Android Question Owner accounts with all field


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The first method return a owner account with some fields but there isn't a email
The second method list the accounts owner returns only a emails value

Sub GetOwnerAccount() As Cursor
      Dim cr As ContentResolver
      Dim u As Uri
      Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(u, Null, "", Null, "")
      crsr.Position = 0
      Return crsr
End Sub

Public Sub GetAccounts As List
    Dim r As Reflector
    Dim wAccounts As List
    r.Target = r.RunStaticMethod("android.accounts.AccountManager", "get", Array As Object(r.GetContext), Array As String("android.content.Context"))
    Dim accounts() As Object
    accounts = r.RunMethod2("getAccountsByType", "", "java.lang.String")
    For i = 0 To accounts.Length - 1
          r.Target = accounts(i)
        wAccounts.Add(r.GetField ("name"))
    Return wAccounts
End Sub

How to merge?
I need to list the owner accounts recovering the email, name, surname and picture for each profile


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This code will print the account name (as well as the other fields).

Hi Erel,
at the first time I had this code:
  For r = 0 To c.RowCount - 1
    c.Position = r
    For col = 0 To c.ColumnCount - 1
      Log(c.GetColumnName(col) & ": " & c.GetString2(col))

The result was this Log:
times_contacted: 0

index_in_sim: -1
phonetic_name: null
data_set: null

phonetic_name_style: 3
contact_id: 9223372034707292161
version: 7
send_to_voicemail_sip: 0
timestamp: null
last_time_contacted: null
aggregation_mode: 0
_id: 9223372034707292161
name_verified: 0
dirty: 1
display_name_source: 40
send_to_voicemail: 0
account_type: null
account_type_and_data_set: null
send_to_voicemail_vt: 0
custom_ringtone: null
sync4: null
sync3: null
sync2: null
sync1: null
deleted: 0
account_name: null
display_name: John Doe
raw_contact_is_user_profile: 1
sort_key_alt: Doe, John
indicate_phone_or_sim_contact: -1
starred: 0
sort_key: John Doe
display_name_alt: Doe, John
sourceid: null
is_sdn_contact: 0

... then I took this (new) code above:
  For r = 0 To c.RowCount - 1
    c.Position = r
    For col = 0 To c.ColumnCount - 1
        Log(c.GetColumnName(col) & ": " & c.GetString2(col))

        Log(c.GetColumnName(col) & ": " & LastException)
      End Try

I got the same result at using both codes, but there was no E-Mail and no SIM-Number. :(
The only Value I got was the Name.

So how can I get the E-Mail and the SIM-Number?
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This is correct. You need to change Array(...) to Array As Object(...) if you are using an older version of B4A.

The security error is the error I was talking about.

Please, what parameter t I miss him?


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I Have problème with : To Array As Object(GetContext))

am = am.InitializeStatic("android.accounts.AccountManager").RunMethod("get", To Array As Object(GetContext))

If I leave Array alone : Error occured : java.lang.reflect.invocationTargetException
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I have no problem with the emulator is to open application on the phone !

With : am = am.InitializeStatic("android.accounts.AccountManager").RunMethod("get", Array(GetContext)) = OK Emulator / No Phone

But what is missing ?

am = am.InitializeStatic("android.accounts.AccountManager").RunMethod("get", To Array As Object(GetContext)) = Impossible BUILD
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