Parallel Com Port


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I hoping to attach the motors to the two axis of my old telescope and automate the finding and tracking of stars and planets for long exposure photography and if that works (when it works) am hoping to add other controls like auto focus and fine tune tracking using a webcam. All this is going to take a while but it will be fun doing it. And with the help of this forum be a little less painful.


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Hi Ariel

The stepper motor project is something I started some time ago, but left it because of the surveying project. I am also rewriting the CAD program.

What I would like to know is if you could write a little help file for the DLL?

Here is what I want to do. With the Ceaser program, I can hold a prism (or GPS Rover) anywhere on a project (road, railway, runway...anything with geometric parameters) and the program will tell you exactly at what stake value (the distance from the start) you are, the offset from the reference line, the design height, the actual height, etc.

I want to take this same routine from the program and use it to control stepper motors to control a little vehicle to run along a given reference line at any offset required.



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Longtime User
Hi Ariel z
I emailed you in december about writing a new wrapper for a new dll I've got which is based on the wrapper you created in this thread. I've emailed you the files if you get a chance to look at it that would be fantastic.
