Pass information between the activities using multiple buttons


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Longtime User
probably a no brainer for most of you....

I have just been reading this article and checked out the sample.

How can I apply this if I use a set of multiple buttons on Activity 1?

Activity 1 has 10 buttons (each represents a hard coded URL)
Activity 2 there is a web View ( which should show the respective info of above URL of pressed button. As the buttons are individual controls I can not apply the list view sample

Thanks for any hint!


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If the buttons are in the "main" activity:

Dim a string in the Sub Process_Globals of the main activity to hold the url for example
Dim MyUrl As String
in the button event for each button set MyUrl to the Url you want, and start the second activity.

In the second activity, you can get the Url with main.MyUrl, so you can use
WebView.LoadUrl (main.MyUrl)

This can be further simplified by setting the event for all the buttons to be the same, and putting the url in the tag. The Click event for the buttons would then be
Dim btn As Button
btn = Sender
StartActivity (second activity)
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