Share My Creation Password Generator

uuhhhh - my first B4J project ;)

I haven't done any coding for some month and i wanted to do something just for the fun of creating it. So i thought - why not try B4J?
And here it is: My PASSWORD GENERATOR!
This is no masterpiece of coding and i doubt that someone will say 'Wow - that is the tool i totaly need right now!'. But i had fun creating it and it introduced me to B4J a bit ;)

What it can do is to ..... create a random password :rolleyes:
You can adjust the length, Upper-/Lowercase or both, Umlauts, Symbols and Numbers.

Source code is attached!



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This is neat :)

Is there a license on this? Because I would like to include the generation code in my upcoming reboot of OpenLibX. (A free library containing various functions that helps developing apps easier.)