Android Question .PBF tiles


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I don't know if this is possible in B4a but can .PBF tiles be read and displayed?
I haven't tried anything because I have no ides where to start so any help will be appreciated
I have searched the forum but nothing helped.
I include a sample.
Thanks in advance Dave.


    41 KB · Views: 156


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You didn't bother explaining what a pbf file is, so I'll assume it's just binary data. So one answer for your question is yes, it's possible to read a binary file and display its data. For instance as hexadecimal values.
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Hi Dave. To help you on your way, we really need some more information about what type of file you have. A file extension in itself does not say much, everyone can choose any combination of letters.
In addition, not every formal file storage is also publicly known. Often a file starts with a fixed combination of characters, and sometimes there is something like the start and / or the length of the amount of data. Often the solution is to download the file as a random file access with the record length of one byte. But again, if you don't explain where you got the information from, it's just guesswork.
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The challenge is that there are at least 6 known different applications that use the file extension pbf.
The challenge is that there are at least 6 known different applications that use the file extension pbf.
I have searched the forum but nothing helped.
The question is, what Dave have already been search on this forum, because he can search and find for a openstreetmap solutions already examples on this forum.
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