#if B4A
'ignore DIP related warnings as they are not relevant when working with BitmapCreator.
#IgnoreWarnings: 6
#end if
#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe,"..\..\Shared Files" "..\Files"
Sub Class_Globals
Public X2 As X2Utils
Private xui As XUI 'ignore
Public world As B2World
Public Ground As X2BodyWrapper
Private ivForeground As B4XView
Private ivBackground As B4XView
Public lblStats As B4XView
Public TileMap As X2TileMap
Public Const ObjectLayer As String = "Object Layer 1"
Public RightDown, LeftDown, JumpDown, DownDown, UpDown As Boolean
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize (Parent As B4XView)
world.Initialize("world", world.CreateVec2(0, -20))
X2.Initialize(Me, ivForeground, world)
Dim WorldHeight As Float = 14 'the size of each tile will be approximately 1x1 meter
Dim WorldWidth As Float = WorldHeight * 1.3333
X2.ConfigureDimensions(world.CreateVec2(WorldWidth / 2, WorldHeight / 2), WorldWidth)
lblStats.TextColor = xui.Color_Black
lblStats.Color = 0x88ffffff
lblStats.Font = xui.CreateDefaultBoldFont(20)
'comment to disable debug drawing
' X2.EnableDebugDraw
TileMap.Initialize(X2, File.DirAssets, "test.json", Null)
TileMap.SetSingleTileDimensionsInMeters(WorldWidth / TileMap.TilesPerRow, WorldHeight / TileMap.TilesPerColumn)
Dim ol As X2ObjectsLayer = TileMap.Layers.Get(ObjectLayer)
For Each template As X2TileObjectTemplate In ol.ObjectsById.Values
Dim bw As X2BodyWrapper = TileMap.CreateObject(template)
' X2.SetBitmapWithFitOrFill(ivBackground, xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "Sky.jpg", ivBackground.Width / 2, ivBackground.Height / 2, False))
End Sub
Public Sub Tick (GS As X2GameStep)
TileMap.DrawScreen(Array("Tile Layer 1"),GS.DrawingTasks)
End Sub
Public Sub DrawingComplete
End Sub