I always use to play on consoles, mostly XBox since its first introduction. But when the XBox One was released it turned out to be far from 'next gen' and so in disgust I turned to the PC and have been gaming on the PC for the past 18 months. I have a pretty nice rig, i7-6700k with 16GB RAM, 240GB M.2 system drive and two SSD's for data. Graphics is handled by a GTX 980ti and the whole lot is water cooled.
I may consider the next release of XBox as it does appear that they are pushing the limits of technology once again. I'll have to wait and see, but I have grown quite fond of my PC and the graphics are amazing!
My favourite games are racing sims. Dirt Rally, Project Cars and Asset to Corsair to name a few. I find that they help me to unwind and relax after a busy day at work.
Dirt Rally is particularly difficult but also very satisfying when you nail the corners just right