I have 22 lines of text and i want to create a pdf file with 3 pages and print lines them so each page can have 10 lines and the last page will have 2 remain lines can you help? Thanks
Private pdfDoc As PdfDocument
totalLines = 22
linesPerPage = 10
totalPagesToCreate = 3
intSpacing = 30
First line must have 10 lines
Second must have 10 lines
and the last page 2 remain lines
Private pdfDoc As PdfDocument
totalLines = 22
linesPerPage = 10
totalPagesToCreate = 3
intSpacing = 30
First line must have 10 lines
Second must have 10 lines
and the last page 2 remain lines
For i = 0 To totalPagesToCreate - 1
pdfDoc.StartPage(595, 842)
pdfDoc.Canvas.DrawText("New line of text", 40, (i * intSpacing) + 20, Typeface.SANS_SERIF, 14 / GetDeviceLayoutValues.Scale , Colors.Black, "LEFT")
End If