Android Question Permissions in sdk 29


Licensed User
Longtime User
Could somebody give us some guidelines for the permissions in Sdk version 29 (Android 10). It seems that they have all changed !...


Licensed User
Longtime User
When target SDK 30, DirRootExternal will be blocked, Google changed very much , make developer very hard!

also in 29 if you don't add a special attribute in manifest. what i did is updating all apps that use external storage to the runtime permission safe directory.
it looks like Google is going in the same direction as apple. you can see also how the app review is working today. a few years ago you could upload an app and after 5 minutes it was available. today you need to wait for a review.

few years ago i wrote an app that can record calls everything worked on android 5 but when android 6 was released my app stops working and also few 100s other apps in the store. i think with android 10 there will not be any way to make such apps that means months of development were a waste of time.
at least google could warn us in advance like telling us we are going to not allow this and this in the future and we could know if it is worth working on a project or not.
to tell you the truth guys I like much more working on b4i and create apps for ios then for android. every time i open b4a and go to SDK manager there is something new to update. why?? what are they changing so frequently??
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