I would like to...
1. start app (app records microphone audio as service)
2. save the most recent 1 minute of audio
Basically the device will always be recording and storing the most recent 1 minute of audio, deleting the trailing extra audio time.
User would stop recording by using accelerometer(or VR ) pattern to trigger permanentely saving that minute of audio - then the service would again restart recording audio.
Most of this info is found easily enough in the forum with the exception of persistently storing only 1 minute of the most recent recording. Hopefully one of the audio experts can shed some info...TIA @stevel05 @XverhelstX
1. start app (app records microphone audio as service)
2. save the most recent 1 minute of audio
Basically the device will always be recording and storing the most recent 1 minute of audio, deleting the trailing extra audio time.
User would stop recording by using accelerometer(or VR ) pattern to trigger permanentely saving that minute of audio - then the service would again restart recording audio.
Most of this info is found easily enough in the forum with the exception of persistently storing only 1 minute of the most recent recording. Hopefully one of the audio experts can shed some info...TIA @stevel05 @XverhelstX