Announcing another new free app: PhoneBackup
It can backup/restore your SMS/Call Logs/Contacts to a CSV file.
With Cloudpipes integration, it can also schedule backups and upload them to Dropbox.
This project started as a small plugin for Cloudpipes (and still is). It can still be used without it (but it does not schedule then).
This is one of the better designed apps (both in terms of code quality and looks), since it uses classes and I figured out many things.
I learnt about ContentProviders, Threading, handlers in libs. In B4A, it uses a lot of Intents/Permissions and Plugin integration with other apps, and also some classes.
Thanks to all the people who helped. I hope this is a useful app for everyone.
One interesting use is you can Backup the contacts/sms/logs to a CSV file, then MODIFY them in Excel/Notepad, and then transfers them to a device. This can be used to bulk modify contacts, or spoof/fake some data.
Download from Play Store
It can backup/restore your SMS/Call Logs/Contacts to a CSV file.
With Cloudpipes integration, it can also schedule backups and upload them to Dropbox.
This project started as a small plugin for Cloudpipes (and still is). It can still be used without it (but it does not schedule then).
This is one of the better designed apps (both in terms of code quality and looks), since it uses classes and I figured out many things.
I learnt about ContentProviders, Threading, handlers in libs. In B4A, it uses a lot of Intents/Permissions and Plugin integration with other apps, and also some classes.
Thanks to all the people who helped. I hope this is a useful app for everyone.
One interesting use is you can Backup the contacts/sms/logs to a CSV file, then MODIFY them in Excel/Notepad, and then transfers them to a device. This can be used to bulk modify contacts, or spoof/fake some data.
Download from Play Store