B4R Code Snippet Play tone in ESP8266.

Yesterday I tried to play a tone to a passive buzzer using the rTone library in a WeMos D1 Mini v3.0.0 module..
It was a complete fail because there is an inconsistency between Esp8266 boards and rTone library and B4R/Arduino reports that interrupt.h file is missing.
So I figured a way around this and I created the following code which you can add to your esp8266 projects to play sounds with them.
Download the attached module and add it to your project. Probably it will work also with Arduino but you do not need it there because you have the excellent rTone library by @Johan Schoeman.

Now it is implemented also as b4xlib available from B4R 3.50 (select which file of the two suits you best - usage is exactly the same as before)

v.1.1 Included the notes of rTone library by @Johan Schoeman and also added the appropriate delay in the Play Function not to ruin the sound

The code that is contained in this module is the following:

ESP8266Tone Module:
Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Dim freq As ULong
    Dim dur As ULong

    '***********         FROM  rTone library by Johan Schoeman         *************

    '*Frequency = 30
    Dim NOTE_B0 As ULong =  31
    '*Frequency = 33
    Dim NOTE_C1 As ULong =  33
    '*Frequency = 35
    Dim NOTE_CS1 As ULong = 35
    '*Frequency = 37
    Dim NOTE_D1 As ULong =  37
    '*Frequency = 39
    Dim NOTE_DS1 As ULong = 39
    '*Frequency = 41
    Dim NOTE_E1 As ULong =  41
    '*Frequency = 44
    Dim NOTE_F1 As ULong =  44
    '*Frequency = 46
    Dim NOTE_FS1 As ULong = 46
    '*Frequency = 49
    Dim NOTE_G1 As ULong =  49
    '*Frequency = 52
    Dim NOTE_GS1 As ULong = 52
    '*Frequency = 55
    Dim NOTE_A1 As ULong =  55
    '*Frequency = 58
    Dim NOTE_AS1 As ULong = 58
    '*Frequency = 62
    Dim NOTE_B1 As ULong =  62
    '*Frequency = 65
    Dim NOTE_C2 As ULong =  65
    '*Frequency = 69
    Dim NOTE_CS2 As ULong = 69
    '*Frequency = 73
    Dim NOTE_D2 As ULong =  73
    '*Frequency = 78
    Dim NOTE_DS2 As ULong = 78
    '*Frequency = 82
    Dim NOTE_E2 As ULong =  82
    '*Frequency = 87
    Dim NOTE_F2 As ULong =  87
    '*Frequency = 93
    Dim NOTE_FS2 As ULong = 93
    '*Frequency = 98
    Dim NOTE_G2 As ULong =  98
    '*Frequency = 104
    Dim NOTE_GS2 As ULong = 104
    '*Frequency = 110
    Dim NOTE_A2 As ULong =  110
    '*Frequency = 117
    Dim NOTE_AS2 As ULong = 117
    '*Frequency = 123
    Dim NOTE_B2 As ULong =  123
    '*Frequency = 131
    Dim NOTE_C3 As ULong =  131
    '*Frequency = 139
    Dim NOTE_CS3 As ULong = 139
    '*Frequency = 147
    Dim NOTE_D3 As ULong =  147
    '*Frequency = 156
    Dim NOTE_DS3 As ULong = 156
    '*Frequency = 165
    Dim NOTE_E3 As ULong =  165
    '*Frequency = 175
    Dim NOTE_F3 As ULong =  175
    '*Frequency = 185
    Dim NOTE_FS3 As ULong = 185
    '*Frequency = 196
    Dim NOTE_G3 As ULong =  196
    '*Frequency = 208
    Dim NOTE_GS3 As ULong = 208
    '*Frequency = 220
    Dim NOTE_A3 As ULong =  220
    '*Frequency = 233
    Dim NOTE_AS3 As ULong = 233
    '*Frequency = 247
    Dim NOTE_B3 As ULong =  247
    '*Frequency = 262
    Dim NOTE_C4 As ULong =  262
    '*Frequency = 277
    Dim NOTE_CS4 As ULong = 277
    '*Frequency = 294
    Dim NOTE_D4 As ULong =  294
    '*Frequency = 311
    Dim NOTE_DS4 As ULong = 311
    '*Frequency = 330
    Dim NOTE_E4 As ULong =  330
    '*Frequency = 349
    Dim NOTE_F4 As ULong =  349
    '*Frequency = 370
    Dim NOTE_FS4 As ULong = 370
    '*Frequency = 392
    Dim NOTE_G4 As ULong =  392
    '*Frequency = 415
    Dim NOTE_GS4 As ULong = 415
    '*Frequency = 440
    Dim NOTE_A4 As ULong =  440
    '*Frequency = 466
    Dim NOTE_AS4 As ULong = 466
    '*Frequency = 494
    Dim NOTE_B4 As ULong =  494
    '*Frequency = 523
    Dim NOTE_C5 As ULong =  523
    '*Frequency = 554
    Dim NOTE_CS5 As ULong = 554
    '*Frequency = 587
    Dim NOTE_D5 As ULong =  587
    '*Frequency = 622
    Dim NOTE_DS5 As ULong = 622
    '*Frequency = 659
    Dim NOTE_E5 As ULong =  659
    '*Frequency = 698
    Dim NOTE_F5 As ULong =  698
    '*Frequency = 740
    Dim NOTE_FS5 As ULong = 740
    '*Frequency = 784
    Dim NOTE_G5 As ULong =  784
    '*Frequency = 831
    Dim NOTE_GS5 As ULong = 831
    '*Frequency = 880
    Dim NOTE_A5 As ULong =  880
    '*Frequency = 932
    Dim NOTE_AS5 As ULong = 932
    '*Frequency = 988
    Dim NOTE_B5 As ULong =  988
    '*Frequency = 1047
    Dim NOTE_C6 As ULong =  1047
    '*Frequency = 1109
    Dim NOTE_CS6 As ULong = 1109
    '*Frequency = 1175
    Dim NOTE_D6 As ULong =  1175
    '*Frequency = 1245
    Dim NOTE_DS6 As ULong = 1245
    '*Frequency = 1319
    Dim NOTE_E6 As ULong =  1319
    '*Frequency = 1397
    Dim NOTE_F6 As ULong =  1397
    '*Frequency = 1480
    Dim NOTE_FS6 As ULong = 1480
    '*Frequency = 1568
    Dim NOTE_G6 As ULong =  1568
    '*Frequency = 1661
    Dim NOTE_GS6 As ULong = 1661
    '*Frequency = 1760
    Dim NOTE_A6 As ULong =  1760
    '*Frequency = 1865
    Dim NOTE_AS6 As ULong = 1865
    '*Frequency = 1976
    Dim NOTE_B6 As ULong =  1976
    '*Frequency = 2093
    Dim NOTE_C7 As ULong =  2093
    '*Frequency = 2217
    Dim NOTE_CS7 As ULong = 2217
    '*Frequency = 2349
    Dim NOTE_D7 As ULong =  2349
    '*Frequency = 2489
    Dim NOTE_DS7 As ULong = 2489
    '*Frequency = 2637
    Dim NOTE_E7 As ULong =  2637
    '*Frequency = 2794
    Dim NOTE_F7 As ULong =  2794
    '*Frequency = 2960
    Dim NOTE_FS7 As ULong = 2960
    '*Frequency = 3136
    Dim NOTE_G7 As ULong =  3136
    '*Frequency = 3322
    Dim NOTE_GS7 As ULong = 3322
    '*Frequency = 3520
    Dim NOTE_A7 As ULong =  3520
    '*Frequency = 3729
    Dim NOTE_AS7 As ULong = 3729
    '*Frequency = 3951
    Dim NOTE_B7 As ULong =  3951
    '*Frequency = 4186
    Dim NOTE_C8 As ULong =  4186
    '*Frequency = 4435
    Dim NOTE_CS8 As ULong = 4435
    '*Frequency = 4699
    Dim NOTE_D8 As ULong =  4699
    '*Frequency = 4978
    Dim NOTE_DS8 As ULong = 4978
End Sub

Sub Play(P As Pin, Frequency As ULong, Duration As ULong)
    freq = Frequency
    dur = Duration
    RunNative("playtone", P.PinNumber)
End Sub

#if C
void playtone (B4R::Object* o) {
   tone(o->toULong(), b4r_esp8266tone::_freq, b4r_esp8266tone::_dur);
#End if

You play it for example with this code:

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Dim d1p As D1Pins
    Dim D2 As Pin

End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    D2.Initialize(d1p.D2, D2.MODE_OUTPUT)
    Log("Waiting 3 seconds")
    For t = 1 To 3
        ESP8266Tone.Play(D2, 1100, 600)
        Delay (1000)
End Sub


  • ESP8266Tone.bas
    6.5 KB · Views: 414
  • rESP8266Tone.b4xlib
    1.6 KB · Views: 390
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
New version uploaded.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Now ESP8266 tone is implemented also as a b4xlib. Check the first post.