Ive swapped over my orignonal condense function to try out Hashing methods and Im comming to the conclusion that my condense method was faster, and better.
Condense(R,G,B)=int (R /(64)) *16 + int (G /64) *4 + int(B/64)
gives 64 possible indexs in rapid time and no need for a colors table either!
Unless Im missing something theres no available Hash function that maps large RGBs uniquely to small integers that has a 1to1 reverse look up??? so might as well use this condense method with the proviso that PSB doesnt use two v similar colors
Re water slipping too much what do u mean? If you have the spread value less it takes longer to level out, especially on PPC. And it is water, not a highly viscous liquid??
Bit if souces when to be from the top to the bottom the water is spreading to much out and would cover the whole screen (if you look at BS water will go almost compleletly straight down with just a little bit spreading out)
The system that you use for cloud is different from that to BS. For this reason I am not asking for a change in that. When the tap source is implemented then water would be needed to fall down from top to bottom along with 3 other elements.
Then in the timer
if n<8000 and style =8 then
n=bh1.AddElement(n,pensize,pensize,50,50,rgb(80,80,230),2,1) 'first stream from (50,50)
n=bh1.AddElement(n,pensize,pensize,80,50,rgb(230,50,50),2,1) 'second stream from (80,50)
End if
It woks niw... weird, might be a bit glitchy... All that remains apart from reactions and mossability is borders and vert and horis back in... then it will be almost complete
Done. Also looking at the updates expected in BASIC4PPC V6 this will be incredibally fast.
It says 200% to 800%... So thats a minimum of 5 times faster and a max of 20 times faster... it will become too fast perhaps and slow/ fast toggles might need to be made.
brill. when u add the horiz & vert - as outlined in post 165 dont forget to rename it to v2.9 or something - the last couple of ur updates were each called 2.86 & my ppc is getting confused!
Im baffled that it works on PC not on PPC. I had that happen to me too. Ive got WM6.
Can u download Neils Zip above and look at why it doesnt run on the PPC. Is it something to do with connecting the library/object? Ive never understood if u actually have to add the object bh1 manually or if it does that when u load the dll?
Don't know how you get that Neil but it is twice to 8 times as fast as I understand it! Also my library, where most of the time is taken up, won't speed up at all so don't get your hopes up toohigh!
100% faster is double the speed. So that would be two times the speed.
Because if it is 0% faster it is 1x the original speed, which equals the same as the original. If it has 100% speed added to the original it is times two.
EDIT: That 5 should be a four... I made a typo...
EDIT2: Redoing my calculation I think it should be a min of 4x and a max of 16x...