Android Question PostMultipart on OkHTTPUtils2


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my be is my error, but I am unable to send more of one file whith PostMultipart.
Obviusly my File list contains more than one file, but only the last is sent.


John Rossati


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Thanks to alimanam and DonManfred
My mistake was to create and initialize MultipartFileData once i.e:

Dim fl As MultipartFileData
fl.Dir = File.DirDefaultExternal
If pictures.size > 0 Then
For i = 0 To pictures.size - 1
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Instead I corrected in:
If pictures.size > 0 Then
For i = 0 To pictures.size - 1
Dim filePath As Map = fg.pathinfo(pictures.GetKeyAt(i))
Dim fl As MultipartFileData

And all pictures was sent.

John Rossati
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