Android Question Preparing intent for multiple waypoint navigation with voice instructions


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To get driving instruction from current location to a destination, I use the following code.
Dim mapIntent As Intent
Dim gURI As String
If latitude.Contains(".") = True And longitude.Contains(".") = True Then
gURI="google.navigation:q=" & latitude & "," & longitude
gURI = "google.navigation:q=" & sAddress
End If

mapIntent.Initialize(mapIntent.ACTION_VIEW, gURI)

Now I have lat/lng data (lat1/lng1, lat2/lng2, lat3/lng3 & lat4/lng4) for 4 locations I need to drive to and I want to get navigation guide with voice instructions to guide me to drive to all 4 locations using the shortest route. How do I prepare the B4A intent?

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