Prevent/lock first load Activity.


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I am using Activity.Addview for the 2nd windows. The 2nd windows contain label with texts. if user click on empty area on 2nd Window's label with long text and underneath the 2nd windows is a first activity button, the first activity button will load.
Sorry I can not be any clearer. I don't know if this is a bug.


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Longtime User
I had exactly same problem. I now hide my current panel then load the next panel. When done I dispose of 2nd panel then show the 1st.
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Longtime User
I thought about this problem and decided that I like to see the background data, especially if it's a true pop up, so I create a full screen sized transparent panel on which the true popup sit's and as Erel suggested, with empty Click and LongClick events.

You can point more than one panels events at the same code so you can manage all your popups blank panels with two empty, Commented so you don't forget and get rid of them when housekeeping, Subs.

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