Android Code Snippet Prevent Phone From Sleeping

Description: Prevent the phone from going to black energy saving screen

Select the Phone Library from the [Libs] tab in the IDE


Add the following in Sub Globals of the Activity you want to keep awake.

Sub Globals

Dim pw As PhoneWakeState
End Sub

Put the Stay awake code in Sub Activity_Resume of the same Activity. For me I only need the Activity to stay awake if the user is taking a timed test.

Sub Activity_Resume

If (comp.gbTimer = True) Then
End If

End Sub

Make sure you Turn Off the keep awake stake so you don't waste the battery. The place to do this in Sub Activity_Pause

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

If UserClosed Then
End If

End Sub

Tags: Phone Library, PhoneWakeState, Android OS Function
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You can also change the flag Keep_Screen_On of an activity with the reflector library if you don't want to embed the Phone lib in your app:
Sub KeepScreenOn(IsEnabled As Boolean)
    'Prevents the screen from sleeping when the current Activity is in the foreground
    Dim r As Reflector
    r.Target = r.GetActivity
    r.Target = r.RunMethod("getWindow")
    Dim FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON As Int = 128
    If IsEnabled Then
        r.RunMethod2("addFlags", FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON, "")
        r.RunMethod2("clearFlags", FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON, "")
    End If
End Sub

This works for my Galaxy Note, my Galaxy S, my Galaxy Tab 2 and my GF's Galaxy S5. However, it does not work on my Galaxy Tab S. After a while, it goes to sleep, under exactly the same circumstances as the others.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
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I have to withdraw some of my previous comment. It doesn't work on any device for me. Darn annoying with a videoplayer that goes to sleep every 20 minutes...

Am I stupid and missing something obvious here?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I am so sorry i see your message now ... after 3 years :) but still :
you should compile that and when you run that you should see a quick window that desappear and a red eye icon on the top ,left side.
then if you slide the top of your screen in the top of notifications you should read a text as WakeUp,
thanks JohnD !!!

double that! ;)

ps : i use this in conjunction of using b4A-Bridge

UPDATE for anyone use this in conjunction of using b4A-Bridge :
this version will not go to the home no more ,thanks to JOTHA will run b4A Bridge directly !!!
Prevent Phone From Sleeping&run b4a


  • Prevent Phone From
    114.3 KB · Views: 439
  • Prevent Phone From Sleeping&run b4a
    114.7 KB · Views: 617
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