Android Question Printing on Thermal Printer (58mm)


Licensed User
Hello Everyone.

I am currently exploring the best way for printing on a thermal printer. I've been experimenting with "PrintHtml," but I've noticed that the print quality is not good.

Could anyone offer any suggestions or recommendations for achieving higher quality prints on a thermal printer?

Thanks in advance.


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I don't resize my image. I have done tons of trial and errors to get the best aspects ratio.
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It entirely depends on the printer software. Cheap Chinese ones with crap software tend to need a correctly sized image as they seem to deal with them in a very trivial manner.
I don't use other software. I just modify your printing class. Look good with 2 cheap printers.
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I'm referring to the software inside the printer that deals with printing the image. Good that your printers deal with images better than mine and @George_G's printers but your experience isn't necessarily typical. I (and others like@ George_G ) have found that in general cheap printers need images pre-sized to their native dimensions or they print garbled.
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One more idea I can give is to convert the image to Grayscale. Avoid using transparent PNG.
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Hello Everyone.

I am currently exploring the best way for printing on a thermal printer. I've been experimenting with "PrintHtml," but I've noticed that the print quality is not good.

Could anyone offer any suggestions or recommendations for achieving higher quality prints on a thermal printer?

Thanks in advance.
ZPL and FTP are your friends
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Active Member
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I found when working on my app that the particular cheap printer I used was much happier with images where the dimensions were a multiple of 8 pixels.

Also, in terms of print density, if your printer is battery powered you may get far better results with a full battery than an almost empty one.
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