iOS Question Problème avec B4X-Bridge sur ios 18


Licensed User
J'ai un problème avec le B4i-Bridge.
ça fonctionne sur mon iphone 7 (ios 15.8.3) mais pas sur mon iphone 13 (ios 18.2.1).
Pourtant le B4i-Bridge s'installe bien sur le 2.
Les 2 sont bien déclarés dans
Notez que sur l'iphone 13 si je lance "Build release app" l'appli s'installe et fonctionne.
Mais si je lance la compilation "Exécuter" le smartphone se connecte avec b4i par son ip et demande d'installer puis ensuite il reste sur "waiting for ide to connect" comme il perdait la connexion.
Sur l'iphone 7 tout fonctionne très bien.
Merci de votre aide...


Licensed User
Sorry I thought everyone spoke French today...;)
I have a problem with the B4i-Bridge.
it works on my iphone 7 (ios 15.8.3) but not on my iphone 13 (ios 18.2.1).
However, the B4i-Bridge fits well on the 2.
Both are well declared in
Note that on the iPhone 13 if I launch "Build release app" the app installs and works.
But if I launch the "Run" compilation the smartphone connects with b4i through its IP and asks to install then it remains on "waiting for ide to connect" as it lost the connection.
On the iPhone 7 everything works very well.
Thank you for your help...
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Licensed User
When you run the app in debug mode, it gets installed. Try to then run it manually and see if the IDE connects.
Yes the app is installed but the b4i-bridgre remains blocked.
And if I launch the app manually I come back to the same message:
IP adress
waiting for ide to connect

"Try to then run it manually?"
I think I'm already doing it (see screen image) and everything starts fine.
But iPhone 13 is stuck on this message.
And I have to delete the app to unblock.


  • ecran.png
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Licensed User
I do exactly the same procedure (which still works fine on my iphone 7)
First I launch b4i-Bridge on the iPhone
It shows IP address
waiting for connection (which is normal)
Then I launch b4i on the PC
I click on Tools-Device Address and select iphone-
The iPhone then goes on with a blank screen showing that it has reacted
I click on Run - F5 on the PC
The compilation starts and on the iPhone for me it says "" wants to install "result" Cancel or Install
I click on Install
The b4i-Bridge remains white and does not switch to the app on its own
If I reduce it and launch the new app then I have:
"IP address waiting for ide to connect"
I hope this answers your question
(As specified in my first message, I remind you that on the iPhone 13 if I launch "Build release app" the app installs and works.
So I can trace the program with the iPhone 7 and test with the iPhone 13 but I would like everything to work.)
Thank you in advance for your response Erel.
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