Good evening,
i have a problem with a program.
I am performing the file transfer, using the SMB.
I am using the jcifs-ng library (v. 0.32).
I initialized the smbClient variable and when I call the SMBINIT procedure I get this message:
Do you think of what's generated?
Thanks for your help
i have a problem with a program.
I am performing the file transfer, using the SMB.
I am using the jcifs-ng library (v. 0.32).
I initialized the smbClient variable and when I call the SMBINIT procedure I get this message:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method getBoolean(Ljava/util/Properties;Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z in class Ljcifs/Config; or its super classes (declaration of 'jcifs.Config' appears in base.apk)
at jcifs.config.PropertyConfiguration.<init>(
at de.donmanfred.SMBClientwrapper$
at de.donmanfred.SMBClientwrapper$
Do you think of what's generated?
ReadFile.Initialize(File.OpenInput(File.DirRootExternal & "/TentataVendita/Configurazione","Parameter.ini"))
credential.Domain = ReadFile.ReadLine
credential.Username = ReadFile.ReadLine
credential.Password = ReadFile.ReadLine
credential.Share = "smb://" & credential.Domain & "/" & ReadFile.ReadLine
Sub SMBInit(cred As SMBCred)
End Sub
Thanks for your help