problem to write


Sorry I don't understand... What's these numbers? It mean something?
What's the calcul for find these retuned values? Maybe I can do this calcul on the example...
But what don't you understand in Basic4PPC?

these are incommuicable toghader and have not formol between
when i write "rtrtr" in a text1 places three things on three labal
text1 (rtrtr)
label1 (loj)
label 2 (ihi)
label3 (khihkg)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is very difficult for us trying to help you ?!
If you want precise answers you must ask much more precise questions.
Instead of asking very general questions without any meaning tell us more in detail what parameters you want to enter and what parameters you want to show, where these parameters do come from.
these are incommuicable toghader and have not formol between
when i write "rtrtr" in a text1 places three things on three labal
text1 (rtrtr)
label1 (loj)
label 2 (ihi)
label3 (khihkg)
Sorry this doesn't mean anything to me.

i want if i place a thing show me several things
i place power motor = "5.5"
show me : "lblcontactor = 16"
lblfeuse = 12_16
This is already more precise but still not enough.
The motor power is entered by the user.
I suppose that lblcontactor is the min. current for a contacor, where does this value come from ? Is it calculated or does it come from a table and where does the table come from and how and where is it stored. etc. etc

You MUST clearely explain your project,
- what the program is supposed to do
- where the data do come from
- what calculations should be done
- what results should be displayed and how
- what to do with the results
etc. etc.

It is much easier to give you any advice if you explain the problem you want to solve instead of asking for detail programing techniques without the background of the problem.

Best regards.
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Active Member
Licensed User
It reassures me, there's not just me who don't understand very well...
My first big question is:
What is your problem exactly? Did you try yourself? If yes, where is the problem exactly? We can help you but not write all your program... I tried to give you an example but apparently it's not enought...
Have you already tried to create a Form and add a Table control on this Form yourself for test?
Thanks for your reply! You've to try just once time and tell us where it doesn't work...
If you don't know how add a Form you can't try to make your program, you need to know how create Forms and controls, after you'll can make your program easily...
There're a lot of tutorials on this forum who are very usefull, just look at them...
Everybody did this at first, it's your turn ;)
Good luck :)


hi and tanks you for answered
let me to use another example
if i write a number on text and press button1 show me three diffrent numbers on three lables
( i write 23 on text and press button1 show me ,24 in lable1 ,56 in lable2 ,and 98 in lable3)
i reading pdf help and device help and used them to basic4ppc device but dosent run
i dont ask you a full program only i want to see your example and then i make on your example until i write a program for myself.
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Active Member
Licensed User
hi and tanks you for answered
let me to use another example
if i write a number on text and press button1 show me three diffrent numbers on three lables
( i write 23 on text and press button1 show me ,24 in lable1 ,56 in lable2 ,and 98 in lable3)
i reading pdf help and device help and used them to basic4ppc device but dosent run
i dont ask you a full program only i want to see your example and then i make on your example until i write a program for myself.

Hi, why it doesn't run on your device? You compiled it? (For Device).
Your ask is easy, you've just to add a TextBox and 3 Labels...
You add a button and on "Event" you select "Click"... You click on "Yes" and you type your code Between
[B][I][U]Sub Button1_Click[/U][/I][/B] and [B][I][U]End Sub[/U][/I][/B]
Precisely you type Just this:

If TextBox1.Text=23 Then 
    MsgBox("Type 23!")
End If

And it's finish :)
Rename the labels to "Label1", "Label2" and "Label3" and the TextBox to "TextBox1"

If you don't unserstand tell us what don't you understand exactly:)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Once again!
Your new example doesn't say anything more about the problem you want to solve.
- What does the number 23, the user is typing in, mean ?
- What do mean the numbers 24, 56 and 98 ?
- Where do these 3 numbers come from ?
- What should the program do if the user enters another number, I suppose the program should show 3 other numbers ?

You still don't explain what you really want to do.
With your question you got an answer, but this is for shure not the right solution for your problem. Are you shure that entering a number in a TextBox is the best solution? Perhaps a ComboBox or a ListBox would be a better solution. You wrote that you want to write en electrical handbook so what do you want to show ?

You always say it doesn't run.
Why dont you explain what you have done ?
What error messages you got ?
Why don't you post your program that we could look at.

Do you write the code on the desktop or on the device ?

Do you still have version 6.8 on the device and version 6.5 on the desktop? With version 6.5 you cannot load programs written with version 6.8. On desktop and on device both versions must be the same !
As specci48 already suggested, you should download both 6.9 demo versions (device and desktop) and install them.

I hope that you once take the time to answer the question we ask you.

Attached a small test program that shows you an answer to your question with another aproach showing something different wich could be what you need, but without knowing what you want to do it's impossible to help in a concrete manner. The program is written with version 6.8.

Best regards.


  • Display.sbp
    1.4 KB · Views: 233


hi sitajony
i made a program on your help
see it and tell me about
also how can i make a exe file to use it in device
and how can i chang form1 to a picture example i want to set picture of england in bakgrond this program


  • country.sbp
    1.1 KB · Views: 206
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Once again!
Your new example doesn't say anything more about the problem you want to solve.
- What does the number 23, the user is typing in, mean ?
- What do mean the numbers 24, 56 and 98 ?
- Where do these 3 numbers come from ?
- What should the program do if the user enters another number, I suppose the program should show 3 other numbers ?

You still don't explain what you really want to do.
With your question you got an answer, but this is for shure not the right solution for your problem. Are you shure that entering a number in a TextBox is the best solution? Perhaps a ComboBox or a ListBox would be a better solution. You wrote that you want to write en electrical handbook so what do you want to show ?

You always say it doesn't run.
Why dont you explain what you have done ?
What error messages you got ?
Why don't you post your program that we could look at.

Do you write the code on the desktop or on the device ?

Do you still have version 6.8 on the device and version 6.5 on the desktop? With version 6.5 you cannot load programs written with version 6.8. On desktop and on device both versions must be the same !
As specci48 already suggested, you should download both 6.9 demo versions (device and desktop) and install them.

I hope that you once take the time to answer the question we ask you.

Attached a small test program that shows you an answer to your question with another aproach showing something different wich could be what you need, but without knowing what you want to do it's impossible to help in a concrete manner. The program is written with version 6.8.

Best regards.

hi klaus
i see your answer now i download displey.spb and try to make on it then i will talk about it
yes my desktop v is 6.5
but i use device`s ve6.9 for 25days!!
and then i use v6.8 device because i cant buy 6.9 v
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Active Member
Licensed User
Just a litle message:
The B4P Source code extension is .sbp and not .spb :) I saw it also somewhere on the forum, (Source Basic4PPC) and SPB [Mobile Shell] it's an other software for PPC ;)

So tell us exactly the error showed when you compile or run your source code and there we'll can help you easily...


Just a litle message:
The B4P Source code extension is .sbp and not .spb :) I saw it also somewhere on the forum, (Source Basic4PPC) and SPB [Mobile Shell] it's an other software for PPC ;)

So tell us exactly the error showed when you compile or run your source code and there we'll can help you easily...
it dosenot show erorr !
how i can make an exe file on b4p after when i make a progran in basic4ppc:)


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
how i can make an exe file on b4p after when i make a progran in basic4ppc:)
This feature is only available in a registered version of basic4ppc. There will be a menu entry in the Desktop IDE which allows the user to compile the application for different platforms (Device, Device with Autoscale - to support different device resolutions, Windows and Smartphone).



hi and tanks
i find and know how to set image for button but i dont know how to set image for frmMain!
and my image that use for button dose not show me good
if my image has 12000 colors after set for button the program shows me with 9000 colors!:(


Licensed User
Longtime User
but i dont know how to set image for frmMain!
With frmMain.Image, image source can be a file or another image control.

and my image that use for button dose not show me good
if my image has 12000 colors after set for button the program shows me with 9000 colors
Sorry, I don't understand.
- What kind of images do you have *.bmp, *.jpg etc. ?
- What size are your images and what size are the controls, do you stretch the images ?
- How do you determine that your program shows with 12000 or 9000 colors ?
- What do you mean with 'dose not show me good' ? Do you have some screen shots ?

Best regards.

Best regards.


Active Member
Licensed User
If you select the transparent mode on ImageButton controls your image is transparent, the pixel at 0x0 is take as transparent color... If it's red, the red color and also the color nearly red will be remove and will be as transparent color...
Maybe you doesn't see some color, right? You can disable the transparent mode or set an other color pixel at 0x0...
But maybe it's an other problem...
You've to noticed that your PPC Screen have less color than your Desktop...


hi and tanks
i download form sample 2.sbp program that has an image (camel) and run it to my device but dosnt show image good
if i choes every image dose not show me good in device:)


Active Member
Licensed User
Can you send a screenshot from your device when you run your example with the "camel" image?
Cause "if i choes every image dose not show me good in device:) " does mean nothing for me lol
If it's in transparent mode, drawed on button it's normal if some colors are hidden, it's set as transparent color...

choes=choose !=shoes
dose=does != Drug dose lol
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Active Member
Licensed User
He meant that you can't compile your program normaly cause you've not a valid license (not registred)... You can just run only from Basic4PPC IDE... :)

Edit: No he meant that you need a lot of help lol

Edit: Why did you remove your post about the screenshot? You could edit your POST and insert your screenshot directly (Like I'm doing)

Edit: For edit your POST for add some files you need just to click on "Go advanced" but you can't add any file from "Edit" from the POST...
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hi sitajony
i send a screenshot
and tanks to remember my misspelling!!
i must to registred?
how i can registre?


  • CapScr0002.bmp
    15.3 KB · Views: 246