Problem using DDMS to take screenshots


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Back when I first installed the Android SDK I had used the DDMS utility to take screenshots and don't recall any problems.

I went to take some screenshots of my app last night and it kept saying my device (EVO 4G) was offline, and to make things even stranger, my phone kept getting added to the list of devices over and over and over, about every 10 seconds or so.

I finally rebooted my phone and I was able to get about 2 screenshots before it once again went 'offline' and started reproducing itself in the device list.

Seems like something going on with my phone but I don't know what. Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Is it possible that the B4A bridge or B4A software was interferring? I'm pretty sure I had rebooted my PC as well, but I was trying so many things that I don't remember what order I did them all in. :confused: