Android Question problem with replace function


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Here is a syntax which doesn't work:
In my language, for instance, the letter "é" can't be changed to "e" with the 'Replace' function.

B4A returns this:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "diff�rents": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: INSERT INTO bnotes VALUES (1, science, les diff�rents domaines de la science, analyse, 15/05/2021, 20210515, 0)

You can see the sign in the word different.

Is there a way to make it possible ?
If someone comes here, thanks to him !
Every idea is welcome.


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replace(chr(233),"e") doesn't work too !
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How to detect an unknown character to convert it into a known sign ? Maybe this way could help.
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I am afraid that there is an encoding problem somewhere.
This code works:
    Private mot As String
    mot = "séf"
    mot = mot.Replace("é", "e")
You need to give us more information.
Where does 'diff�rents' come from?
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One not too bad solution waiting a better one....
the unknown character has an ASCII number which is 65533.
Here ASC('the unkwon character') = 65533
I replace it by a special one like '§', and SQLITE accept it for saving my datas.
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Where does 'diff�rents' come from?
it's a term coming from a list of words written in french.
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"différents" comes from a list which was generated
in an 1-byte character set (eg, iso-8859-1, windows 1252,
etc). you need to convert it to utf-8.

when you take something like "différents" from such a
list and use a multi-byte character set (eg, utf-8),
you get "diff�rents", the "é" character not being the
same in both character sets.

replace() and sqlite's insert work just fine if your list
is in utf-8.
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the list is entered manually. I have built a little app to note little things about different subjects.


Thanks I'll try soon and come back to say what about !
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Yes, through windows, because a text file can be imported. So I'll try drgottjr method soon.

The app can work like this:

A) the text is entered directly in the Edittext problem

B) the texts are in a text file filled with a text software like Word, Text, etc... and imported by email or sms.
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With UTF-8, it doesn't work.
But I found that there is a 'UTF-8 with nomenclature' (I don't exactly know the difference, I'll see this after), and it works well.
So my question in this case is:
What is the name of the code UTF-8 with nomenclature in this piece of code ?

Sub Utf2Bytes( s As String ) As Byte()
    Return s.getbytes("UTF-8")
End Sub

Sub Bytes2Utf( b() As Byte ) As String
    Return BytesToString( b, 0, b.Length, "UTF-8" )
End Sub

coming from
UTF-8 use

What do I have to write in the quotes "UTF-8 something", because the files can arrive from many sources ?
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O kay thanks for this. I'll change some part of my code to easily import the different files;
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