For the start sorry for my bad english.
I try use the xor function with 2 bytes.
How I can do this in the B4A. The other quastion is if I read the transmition from MCU I get byte value=0 to 255. I not will be problem for decoding transmition if B4A use the value -127 to 128. I write the program on the MCU and work corectly I see properly value on display, but on the B4A I don't know how do this.
For the start sorry for my bad english.
I try use the xor function with 2 bytes.
Example: I use this on othe kompiler Basic.
dim keydec as byte=10
dim byte(20) as byte
For i=0 to something.lenght
byte(i)=byte(i) xor keydec
byte(i)=byte(i) xor (i)
' my data is
'da..........to end of all
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