Ok, when will we can get it?Okay, the minimum donation will be 20 euros. If the bundle becomes popular, I will add ArchiverPlus7z and ArchiverPlusRar.
Ok, when will we can get it?Okay, the minimum donation will be 20 euros. If the bundle becomes popular, I will add ArchiverPlus7z and ArchiverPlusRar.
When it is ready.Ok, when will we can get it?
I understand but the guide will be the source of many questions and I want to pay my support time.
The previous offer with guide "Protect My App" and without 7z and Rar was more attractive to me.
Here's the final offer:
For 20 euros, you will get all the libraries but not the guide "Protect My App".
When you say 'not soon' do you have a ETA on when not soon is ?when they are done (not soon).
I completely agree.Why not offer a third option?
If you bought the 20€ package, you could offer the option of acquiring at a later date the "Protect My App" pdf + the 2 archive libraries for an extra 10€.
I think most would be happy with this.
I completely agree.
No, there will be only two options (20 and 30) and the possibility to upgrade.Hi Frederic,
It's just my idea, but for a third offer, an extension to 7.5€ with, the Guide of hack, and at choice, the Zip or Rar library would be more interesting.
I think it's not needed to have both libraries at same time, your point of view ?
Can you say what is ready right now, even if all libraries are not ? (EDIT: I'm a bit lost now).
I had donate you 30€ in waiting.
If you're agree with this thirds alternate option, we'll know to find a deal.
For my part i would prefer to have the Zip compress library, who's the most used at my idea.
And it seems you will get a lot of work if ever you plan to distribute a libraries bundle for games, that would be very interesting.
Salut Frédéric,
C'est juste mon idée, mais une troisième offre avec une extension de 7,5€, avec le guide du hack, et au choix, la librairie Zip ou Rar serait plus intéressant.
Je pense qu'il est pas nécessaire d'avoir les deux bibliothèques en même temps, ton point de vue ?
Peux-tu dire ce qui est prêt en ce moment, même si toutes les librairies ne le sont pas ? (EDIT: Suis un peu paumé là)
Je t'ai fait un don de 30€ dans l'attente.
Si tu es d'accord avec cette troisième option alternative, nous saurons trouver un accord.
Pour ma part je préfèrerai avoir la libraire Zip, qui est la plus utilisée à mon idée.
Et il semble que tu auras beaucoup de travail si jamais tu envisages de distribuer un bundle de librairies pour les jeux, ce serait très intéressant.
with an error usually (out of memory) the zips I work with contain on average 20,000-30,000 files some of these are 0byte some are large.
I just tested with a zip containing 12929 files for an uncompressed size of 321 563 948 bytes. On my Moto G, unzipping them took a bit less than 10 minutes.
20 euros. It's a part of the bundle.How much for just your Zip one?