Is it tomorrow yet??
Slightly off topic, But I would pay for a library that definitely downloads files!! I never have a problem on windows but on Android when my server is busy, And especially the distance from the server seems to have an effect! for example a 300mb file stored on my server in the UK, always downloads for me, but ppl in europe say the download sometimes fails and people in china say the download mostly fails! I have battled this for about a year now. and the solution i came up with was 4 servers! if the first fails it goes to server 2 and so on. The last server in the list is Amazons S3 Bucket and that works well but is becoming more and more expensive. For me being able to detect the failure and resume the download would be great, I have seen a class but was unsure how to integrate it into my code, So if anyone can make a lib! and maybe add it to a bundle!