I have implemented the ProgressDialog, however, it does not appear. In B4A, we use the DoEvents command to force the UI to display the progress icon. Is there an equivalent in B4i?
Usually i use the ProgressDialog when i'm downloading some data, that is an operation that don't pause the main thread of the application.
I've tried the ProgressDialog combined with database or "loading views" operations without seeing anything.
Asynchronous method calls doesn't block the calling thread while waiting for a reply.
(For example the HTTPJOB).
In simple words:
The HTTP JOB is an object that allow you to make a call to a Web server.
After the Call your HTTP JOB object is waiting for a response from the sever without blocking the execution of your main thread.
It means that you can continue doing operation while the object is waiting for response, for example showing a ProgressDialog.
When the HTTP JOB object get a response from the server, it will raise an event that give you the status of the operation (in this sub you can hide your ProgressDialog)
I hope to have been clear and simple. My english is elementary.