B4J Question Push data to webserver


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i have developed a commercial UI b4j desktop app for restaurants using jrdc . i want to synchronise the local data base and the database i had deployed in a web server..

i tried the following method to achieve this:

run a jrdc in the webserver.
in local system, an UI application is run with a timer to select the records appended and inserted into the webserver database.

i have control table in the local database containing the table names that are to be synchronised.

i open that table using mysql driver directly and loop thru and select the records from the mentioned table and perform the inserts/update/delete for the database in the web.

the problem is, the system seems to hung after displaying the label values and stops working.

what is wrong in the code ?

is there any other method to do this?

guidance required please.

 private Sub WebUpdsIsert
    Dim rsTbl As ResultSet
    If blnConnected=False Then
      fx.Msgbox(MForm,"Not conected to localhost","Mysql")
    End If
     rsTbl  = sqlDb.ExecQuery("select * from web2updtables  where active=1")   
    Do While rsTbl.NextRow  
       Dim rsData As ResultSet  
        Dim nCols As Int =rsData.ColumnCount-2
        Dim cCmd As String="insert_" & rsTbl.GetString2(1)
        Dim lstCmd As List
        Dim nRecs As Double
        Dim i As Int
        Dim blnGotrecs As Boolean=False
        Dim lKeys As List
       Do While rsData.NextRow
          Dim cParm(nCols) As Object
          Dim ct2 As String
          For i=0 To nCols-1
             If ct2 <> Null Then
             End If

             If i=0 Then
             End If
           If rsData.GetInt("webupdated")=0 Then
              cCmd ="insert_" & rsTbl.GetString2(1)
               cCmd ="update_" & rsTbl.GetString2(1)
            End If
            Dim cmd As DBCommand
            cmd.Name =cCmd ' "insert_billhead"
            cmd.Parameters = cParm ' Array As Object(cParm)

        If blnGotrecs Then 
            Dim tParm As String =""
           For i=0 To cParm.Length-1
             tParm=tParm & cParm(i) & ","
            Dim m As Map
           rm.ExecuteBatch(lstCmd, m)
        End If
 End Sub

Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
    If Job.Success = False Then
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
        If Job.JobName = "DBRequest" Then
            Dim i As Int
            Dim result As DBResult = rm.HandleJob(Job)
'''           If Job.Tag = "WEB_INSERT" Then
'''                lblDone.Text=lblRec
'''          End If
            Dim m As Map=Job.Tag
            If m.GetValueAt(0) = "WEB_INSERT" Then
              '  Log("from job done " & m.GetkeyAt(0))
            lblTable.Text= m.GetKeyAt(0)
        ''    Log(rsTbl.GetString2(1))
             Dim lrst As List=m.GetValueAt(1)
            Log( "update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & "set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1))
            For i=0 To lrst.Size-1
              '  Log( "update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & "set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) )   
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) )   
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webmodify=0  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) )   
                'Log( "Key " & lrst.Get(i))                   
          End If 

         If Job.Tag = "WEB" Then
               For Each row() As Object In result.Rows
          End If

Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
    If Job.Success = False Then
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
        If Job.JobName = "DBRequest" Then
            Dim i As Int
            Dim result As DBResult = rm.HandleJob(Job)
'''           If Job.Tag = "WEB_INSERT" Then
'''                lblDone.Text=lblRec
'''          End If
            Dim m As Map=Job.Tag
            If m.GetValueAt(0) = "WEB_INSERT" Then
              '  Log("from job done " & m.GetkeyAt(0))
            lblTable.Text= m.GetKeyAt(0)
        ''    Log(rsTbl.GetString2(1))
             Dim lrst As List=m.GetValueAt(1)
            Log( "update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & "set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1))
            For i=0 To lrst.Size-1
              '  Log( "update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & "set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) )   
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) )   
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webmodify=0  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) )   
                'Log( "Key " & lrst.Get(i))                   
          End If 

         If Job.Tag = "WEB" Then
               For Each row() As Object In result.Rows
          End If

config commands

#Lines starting with '#' are comments.
#Backslash character at the end of line means that the command continues in the next line.

#Java server port

sql.insert_arap=insert into arap (arappckey,arapdate,sourcepcksy,sourcedoctype,refpckey,refdoctype,debtorpckey,amount,drcr,openingrecord,openingrefdetails) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_backuphead=insert into backuphead (backuppckey,backuppath) values (?,?)  
sql.insert_billlinetaxes=insert into billlinetaxes (billlinepckey,billpckey,taxpckey,amount) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_fontmaster=insert into fontmaster (fontpckey,fontname,active) values (?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itemrates=insert into itemrates (ratepckey,itempckey,posareapckey,rate,issueuom,issueconversionmeasure,rateeffectivefrom,active,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_billlineitems=insert into billlineitems (billlinepckey,billpckey,kotnumber,kottime,itempckey,qty,rate,openitemname,measurepckey,reamarks,imeno,pactive) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_debtormaster=insert into debtormaster (debtormaster,debtorname,contactphoneno,address,active) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_combooptions=insert into combooptions (combopckey,itempckey,optionno,options,active) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_cbilllinetaxes=insert into cbilllinetaxes (billlinepckey,billpckey,taxpckey,amount) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_indentissueline=insert into indentissueline (indentissuelinepckey,indentheadpckey,ingredientspckey,indentqty,remarks,autorizedby,authorizeddatetime,authorizedqty,authorizatoinremarks,issuedqty,issuedby,issuedon,issueremarks,receivedqty,receivedon) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_bomline=insert into bomline (bomlinepckey,bomheadpckey,ingredientpckey,qty,uom) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_complementdiscountncline=insert into complementdiscountncline (linepckey,cdncpckey,linediscription,active) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itemgroupmaster=insert into itemgroupmaster (itemgrouppckey,groupname,itemcategorypckey,kitchenpckey,vegnv,baritem,outsourced,combo,taxable,active,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itemmaster=insert into itemmaster (itempckey,itemcode,grouppckey,itemname,alphacode,active,uompckey,defaultissueuom,menudisplayorder,discountallowed,rate1,rate2,stockin,issued,vendorrate,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_devicelocation=insert into devicelocation (pckey,waiterpckey,lat,lon,dttime,billpckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_terminalhead=insert into terminalhead (terminalpckey,terminalname,touchpos,location,active,rkotallowed,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_taxstructuremaster=insert into taxstructuremaster (taxstructurepckey,taxpckey,applyorder,fromslabamount,toslabamount,slabcharge,active) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_ingredientgroups=insert into ingredientgroups (ingredientsgrouppckey,groupname,expense,active) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_uommaster=insert into uommaster (uompckey,uomdescription,posareapckey,active,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_deletedkots=insert into deletedkots (pckey,kotno,kotdatetime,deleteddatetime,tableno,waitername,itempckey,qty,reasonfordeletion,sessioncode,captainname,posareapckey,stnono,pax,nc,cckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_cbillhead=insert into cbillhead (billpckey,billno,billdate,serverdate,posareapckey,tablepckey,waiterpckey,pax,captainpckey,billbasicamount,billtaxes,billdiscount,billroundoff,billnetamount,settlementpckey,cancelled,reasonforcancellation,hmscheckinpckey,debtorpckey,remarks,reprintcount,nc,ncamount,hdpckey,sessionpckey,ldiscount,dbpckey,terminalpckey,deliverysettle) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itempreference=insert into itempreference (itempreferencepckey,description,itempckey,active) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_indentauthorize=insert into indentauthorize (pckey,authdatetime,usercode,indentissuelinepckey,authqty,remarks) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_captainmaster=insert into captainmaster (captainpckey,captainname,captainshortname,posareapckey,active,pw,defaultcaptain,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_complementdiscountnchead=insert into complementdiscountnchead (cdncpckey,description,active) values (?,?,?)  
sql.insert_posarea=insert into posarea (posareapckey,posareaname,localstno,cstno,directbill,printkot,headernotes,footernotes,billprefix,billsuffix,dailystartwithbillno1,promptkotprint,promptbillprint,noofkotcopies,noofbillcopies,homedelivery,hmslinked,hmstccode,tallylinked,tallysaleshead,netratefactor,active,getcaptain,gettable,getwaiter,getkotnumber,getpax,getgroup,getnumericcode,getalphacode,currentsessionpckey,barpos,smslink,defaultwaiterpckey,defaultcaptainpckey,defaultsettlementpckey,touch,lh,promptforsettlement,pendingsettlementcode,checkstock,hmstc,printkotafterbill,defailttablepckey,getphone,openitemgroup,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_issueline=insert into issueline (issuepckey,issuetype,issuedatetime,indentissuelinepckey,issuedqty,rtnqty) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_numbermasterstores=insert into numbermasterstores (pckey,doctype,nextnumber) values (?,?,?)  
sql.insert_purchasertn=insert into purchasertn (pckey,rtndate,purchaselinepckey,qty,remarks,usercode) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_waitermaster=insert into waitermaster (waiterpckey,waitername,posareapckey,waitershortname,allinallposarea,active,mobileno,lon,lat,defaultwaiter,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_sessionmaster=insert into sessionmaster (sessionpckey,sessionname,fromtime,totime,posareapckey,active,nextsession,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_tabmaster=insert into tabmaster (tabid,tabkey,tabimeno,active) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_suppliermaster=insert into suppliermaster (supplierpckey,suppliername,supplieraddress,cstno,vat,phone,contactperson,active) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_settleline=insert into settleline (settlelinepckey,settleheadpckey,settlemasterpckey,settlementamount,remarks) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_tmpstock=insert into tmpstock (pckey,itempckey,groupname,itemname,opening,openingrate,openingvalue,purchase,purchaserate,purchasevalue,issue,issuerate,issuevalue,wastage,wastagerate,wastagevalue,closingstock,closingstockrate,closingstockvalue) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_kots=insert into kots (kotlinepckey,kotnumber,tablepckey,kotdatetime,itempckey,rate,qty,measurepckey,openitemname,itempreferencepckey,deleted,shareqty,remarks,billpckey,imeno,kactive,pickedup,ktaken,kotdisplay,msrcardpckey,refkotno,measure,terminalpckey,forstock,cckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_numbermaster=insert into numbermaster (nopckey,pospckey,kotno,billno,ncbillno,active,nckotno,cbillno,ckotno) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_purchaseline=insert into purchaseline (plinepckey,pheadpckey,ingredientpckey,qty,freeqty,rate) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_tabkots=insert into tabkots (kotlinepckey,kotnumber,tablepckey,kotdatetime,itempckey,rate,qty,measurepckey,openitemname,itempreferencepckey,deleted,shareqty,remarks,imeno,processed) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_purchasehead=insert into purchasehead (purchaseheadpckey,purchasedate,purchasevoucherno,supplierpckey,supplierbillno,remarks,usercode) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_msrcards=insert into msrcards (pckey,cardno,linkedtotable) values (?,?,?)  
sql.insert_printermaster=insert into printermaster (printerpckey,printername,papersizeinches,active) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_kotshold=insert into kotshold (kotlinepckey,kotnumber,tablepckey,kotdatetime,itempckey,rate,qty,measurepckey,openitemname,itempreferencepckey,deleted,shareqty,remarks,billpckey,imeno,kactive,pickedup,ktaken,kotdisplay,msrcardpckey,refkotno,measure,forstock) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_settlementmaster=insert into settlementmaster (settlementpckey,settlementname,active,selected,amount,getdetails,getdebtor,tallygroup,tallyhead,tallyupdated,hmslinked,hmstccode,checkinpckey,debtorpckey,shortname,cckey,lupd,showrefund) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_homecustomer=insert into homecustomer (customerpckey,phoneno,name,address,pincode,landmark,active,cckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_terminalline=insert into terminalline (pckey,terminalpckey,allowedposareapckey,active,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_taxmasterstores=insert into taxmasterstores (taxpckey,taxdescription,rate,applyorder,slab,nettofdiscount,aspercentage,applicablebasicdcamountonly,applicablebasicplusothertaxes,tallyposted,tallyhead,shortname,taxoth,active) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_tablegroupmaster=insert into tablegroupmaster (tablegrouppckey,groupname,active,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itemgroupmasterold=insert into itemgroupmasterold (itemgrouppckey,groupname,itemcategorypckey,kitchenpckey,baritem,cocktail,combo,active) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_tablemaster=insert into tablemaster (tablepckey,tableno,posareapckey,currentwaiterpckey,currentcaptainpckkey,occupied,hdelivery,active,currentlyoccupiedpax,directbill,printkot,displayrow,displaycol,tablegrouppckey,currentcaptainname,currentwaitername,description,nwidth,bill,foodready,hdpckey,pickupbycustomer,ncbill,disbill,discountrate,personname,authorizedby,departmentname,unsettled,settlepckey,billamount,billpckey,inhold,firstkottime,billno,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_billlinemerge=insert into billlinemerge (mergelinepckey,billlinepckey,billpckey,qty,rate,settlepckey,upd,del) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_ckots=insert into ckots (kotlinepckey,kotnumber,tablepckey,kotdatetime,itempckey,rate,qty,measurepckey,openitemname,itempreferencepckey,deleted,shareqty,remarks,billpckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_purchasetaxrtnline=insert into purchasetaxrtnline (pckey,purchaselinepckey,taxpckey,rate,amount) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_menu=insert into menu (mainmenu,actn,caption,description,submenuofaction,controlid,admin) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_bomhead=insert into bomhead (bompckey,salableitempckey,baseqty,uom,salableunits,salableuompckey,active) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_controltable=insert into controltable (pckey,companyname,address,phone,active,lastcloseddate) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_platetypes=insert into platetypes (pckey,platetype,weightingrams,active) values (?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itemcategorymasterold=insert into itemcategorymasterold (categorypckey,categoryname,rawmaterial,breakbill,active) values (?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_indentissuehead=insert into indentissuehead (indentheadpckey,indentno,indentdate,indentdepartment,remarks,usercode) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_billhead=insert into billhead (billpckey,billno,billdate,serverdate,posareapckey,tablepckey,waiterpckey,pax,captainpckey,billbasicamount,billtaxes,billdiscount,billroundoff,billnetamount,settlementpckey,cancelled,reasonforcancellation,hmscheckinpckey,debtorpckey,remarks,reprintcount,nc,ncamount,hdpckey,sessionpckey,ldiscount,dbpckey,terminalpckey,deliverysettle,reprinttime,parcelover,rp,tosms,pickupbycustomer,updated,checkinpckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_poscontrol=insert into poscontrol (pckey,posname,posaddress,phone,rateeffectivefrom,active,lastcloseddate,lmd,lh,emaillinked,smslink,posaddress2,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_cbilllineitems=insert into cbilllineitems (billlinepckey,billpckey,kotnumber,kottime,itempckey,qty,rate,openitemname,measurepckey,reamarks) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_printerfonts=insert into printerfonts (fontlinepckey,fontpckey,printerpckey,controlchar1,controlchar2,controlchar3,controlchar4,active) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_stock=insert into stock (pckey,itempckey,trndate,trntype,quantity,rate) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_devicemaster=insert into devicemaster (deviceid,imeno,waiterpckey) values (?,?,?)  
sql.insert_kotprintermaster=insert into kotprintermaster (kotprinterpckey,posareapckey,terminalpckey,allkitchens,kitchenpckey,kotprintername,noofcopies,alsoprinto_printername,noofcopies_2ndprinter,active,printertype,printermode,printerpckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_taxmaster=insert into taxmaster (taxpckey,taxdescription,rate,applyorder,slab,nettofdiscount,aspercentage,applicablebasicdcamountonly,applicablebasicplusothertaxes,tallyposted,tallyhead,shortname,active,posareapckey,itemcategorypckey,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_ingredientmaster=insert into ingredientmaster (ingredientspckey,ingredientsgrouppckey,ingredientname,uompckey,issueuompckey,moq,active,uom2issueuomconversoinfactor,vernacularname) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_purchasetaxline=insert into purchasetaxline (ptaxlinepckey,pheadpckey,plinepckey,taxpckey,rate,amount) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_usermast=insert into usermast (usercode,username,password,rights,active,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_sharebymaster=insert into sharebymaster (sharedbypckey,shareby,active) values (?,?,?)  
sql.insert_settlementlinedetails=insert into settlementlinedetails (settlementremarkspckey,settlelinepckey,instrumentno,instrumentdate,instrumentbank,instumentamount,lineremarks) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_kitchenmaster=insert into kitchenmaster (kitchenpckey,kitchenname,breakkot,breakserial,active,tvdisplay,cckey,luod) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_itemcategorymaster=insert into itemcategorymaster (categorypckey,categoryname,displayname,catetype,breakbill,active,cusdisplayorder,maintainstock,cckey,lupd) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  
sql.insert_settlehead=insert into settlehead (settleheadpckey,settlementtype,settlementdate,settlementamount,remarks,serverdate,terminalpckey) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)  


sql.update_arap=update arap set arappckey = ?,arapdate = ?,sourcepcksy = ?,sourcedoctype = ?,refpckey = ?,refdoctype = ?,debtorpckey = ?,amount = ?,drcr = ?,openingrecord = ?,openingrefdetails=? where arappckey = ?  
sql.update_backuphead=update backuphead set backuppckey = ?,backuppath=? where backuppckey = ?  
sql.update_billlinetaxes=update billlinetaxes set billlinepckey = ?,billpckey = ?,taxpckey = ?,amount=? where billlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_bomline=update bomline set bomlinepckey = ?,bomheadpckey = ?,ingredientpckey = ?,qty = ?,uom=? where bomlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_bomhead=update bomhead set bompckey = ?,salableitempckey = ?,baseqty = ?,uom = ?,salableunits = ?,salableuompckey = ?,active=? where bompckey = ?  
sql.update_cbillhead=update cbillhead set billpckey = ?,billno = ?,billdate = ?,serverdate = ?,posareapckey = ?,tablepckey = ?,waiterpckey = ?,pax = ?,captainpckey = ?,billbasicamount = ?,billtaxes = ?,billdiscount = ?,billroundoff = ?,billnetamount = ?,settlementpckey = ?,cancelled = ?,reasonforcancellation = ?,hmscheckinpckey = ?,debtorpckey = ?,remarks = ?,reprintcount = ?,nc = ?,ncamount = ?,hdpckey = ?,sessionpckey = ?,ldiscount = ?,dbpckey = ?,terminalpckey = ?,deliverysettle=? where billpckey = ?  
sql.update_billlineitems=update billlineitems set billlinepckey = ?,billpckey = ?,kotnumber = ?,kottime = ?,itempckey = ?,qty = ?,rate = ?,openitemname = ?,measurepckey = ?,reamarks = ?,imeno = ?,pactive=? where billlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_billhead=update billhead set billpckey = ?,billno = ?,billdate = ?,serverdate = ?,posareapckey = ?,tablepckey = ?,waiterpckey = ?,pax = ?,captainpckey = ?,billbasicamount = ?,billtaxes = ?,billdiscount = ?,billroundoff = ?,billnetamount = ?,settlementpckey = ?,cancelled = ?,reasonforcancellation = ?,hmscheckinpckey = ?,debtorpckey = ?,remarks = ?,reprintcount = ?,nc = ?,ncamount = ?,hdpckey = ?,sessionpckey = ?,ldiscount = ?,dbpckey = ?,terminalpckey = ?,deliverysettle = ?,reprinttime = ?,parcelover = ?,rp = ?,tosms = ?,pickupbycustomer = ?,updated = ?,checkinpckey=? where billpckey = ?  
sql.update_captainmaster=update captainmaster set captainpckey = ?,captainname = ?,captainshortname = ?,posareapckey = ?,active = ?,pw = ?,defaultcaptain = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where captainpckey = ?  
sql.update_billlinemerge=update billlinemerge set mergelinepckey = ?,billlinepckey = ?,billpckey = ?,qty = ?,rate = ?,settlepckey = ?,upd = ?,del=? where mergelinepckey = ?  
sql.update_issueline=update issueline set issuepckey = ?,issuetype = ?,issuedatetime = ?,indentissuelinepckey = ?,issuedqty = ?,rtnqty=? where issuepckey = ?  
sql.update_complementdiscountncline=update complementdiscountncline set linepckey = ?,cdncpckey = ?,linediscription = ?,active=? where linepckey = ?  
sql.update_cbilllinetaxes=update cbilllinetaxes set billlinepckey = ?,billpckey = ?,taxpckey = ?,amount=? where billlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_cbilllineitems=update cbilllineitems set billlinepckey = ?,billpckey = ?,kotnumber = ?,kottime = ?,itempckey = ?,qty = ?,rate = ?,openitemname = ?,measurepckey = ?,reamarks=? where billlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_deletedkots=update deletedkots set pckey = ?,kotno = ?,kotdatetime = ?,deleteddatetime = ?,tableno = ?,waitername = ?,itempckey = ?,qty = ?,reasonfordeletion = ?,sessioncode = ?,captainname = ?,posareapckey = ?,stnono = ?,pax = ?,nc = ?,cckey=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_itemcategorymasterold=update itemcategorymasterold set categorypckey = ?,categoryname = ?,rawmaterial = ?,breakbill = ?,active=? where categorypckey = ?  
sql.update_kots=update kots set kotlinepckey = ?,kotnumber = ?,tablepckey = ?,kotdatetime = ?,itempckey = ?,rate = ?,qty = ?,measurepckey = ?,openitemname = ?,itempreferencepckey = ?,deleted = ?,shareqty = ?,remarks = ?,billpckey = ?,imeno = ?,kactive = ?,pickedup = ?,ktaken = ?,kotdisplay = ?,msrcardpckey = ?,refkotno = ?,measure = ?,terminalpckey = ?,forstock = ?,cckey=? where kotlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_indentauthorize=update indentauthorize set pckey = ?,authdatetime = ?,usercode = ?,indentissuelinepckey = ?,authqty = ?,remarks=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_indentissueline=update indentissueline set indentissuelinepckey = ?,indentheadpckey = ?,ingredientspckey = ?,indentqty = ?,remarks = ?,autorizedby = ?,authorizeddatetime = ?,authorizedqty = ?,authorizatoinremarks = ?,issuedqty = ?,issuedby = ?,issuedon = ?,issueremarks = ?,receivedqty = ?,receivedon=? where indentissuelinepckey = ?  
sql.update_platetypes=update platetypes set pckey = ?,platetype = ?,weightingrams = ?,active=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_itemgroupmasterold=update itemgroupmasterold set itemgrouppckey = ?,groupname = ?,itemcategorypckey = ?,kitchenpckey = ?,baritem = ?,cocktail = ?,combo = ?,active=? where itemgrouppckey = ?  
sql.update_tmpstock=update tmpstock set pckey = ?,itempckey = ?,groupname = ?,itemname = ?,opening = ?,openingrate = ?,openingvalue = ?,purchase = ?,purchaserate = ?,purchasevalue = ?,issue = ?,issuerate = ?,issuevalue = ?,wastage = ?,wastagerate = ?,wastagevalue = ?,closingstock = ?,closingstockrate = ?,closingstockvalue=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_msrcards=update msrcards set pckey = ?,cardno = ?,linkedtotable=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_settlementlinedetails=update settlementlinedetails set settlementremarkspckey = ?,settlelinepckey = ?,instrumentno = ?,instrumentdate = ?,instrumentbank = ?,instumentamount = ?,lineremarks=? where settlementremarkspckey = ?  
sql.update_fontmaster=update fontmaster set fontpckey = ?,fontname = ?,active=? where fontpckey = ?  
sql.update_indentissuehead=update indentissuehead set indentheadpckey = ?,indentno = ?,indentdate = ?,indentdepartment = ?,remarks = ?,usercode=? where indentheadpckey = ?  
sql.update_tablemaster=update tablemaster set tablepckey = ?,tableno = ?,posareapckey = ?,currentwaiterpckey = ?,currentcaptainpckkey = ?,occupied = ?,hdelivery = ?,active = ?,currentlyoccupiedpax = ?,directbill = ?,printkot = ?,displayrow = ?,displaycol = ?,tablegrouppckey = ?,currentcaptainname = ?,currentwaitername = ?,description = ?,nwidth = ?,bill = ?,foodready = ?,hdpckey = ?,pickupbycustomer = ?,ncbill = ?,disbill = ?,discountrate = ?,personname = ?,authorizedby = ?,departmentname = ?,unsettled = ?,settlepckey = ?,billamount = ?,billpckey = ?,inhold = ?,firstkottime = ?,billno = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where tablepckey = ?  
sql.update_ckots=update ckots set kotlinepckey = ?,kotnumber = ?,tablepckey = ?,kotdatetime = ?,itempckey = ?,rate = ?,qty = ?,measurepckey = ?,openitemname = ?,itempreferencepckey = ?,deleted = ?,shareqty = ?,remarks = ?,billpckey=? where kotlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_settlehead=update settlehead set settleheadpckey = ?,settlementtype = ?,settlementdate = ?,settlementamount = ?,remarks = ?,serverdate = ?,terminalpckey=? where settleheadpckey = ?  
sql.update_numbermasterstores=update numbermasterstores set pckey = ?,doctype = ?,nextnumber=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_posarea=update posarea set posareapckey = ?,posareaname = ?,localstno = ?,cstno = ?,directbill = ?,printkot = ?,headernotes = ?,footernotes = ?,billprefix = ?,billsuffix = ?,dailystartwithbillno1 = ?,promptkotprint = ?,promptbillprint = ?,noofkotcopies = ?,noofbillcopies = ?,homedelivery = ?,hmslinked = ?,hmstccode = ?,tallylinked = ?,tallysaleshead = ?,netratefactor = ?,active = ?,getcaptain = ?,gettable = ?,getwaiter = ?,getkotnumber = ?,getpax = ?,getgroup = ?,getnumericcode = ?,getalphacode = ?,currentsessionpckey = ?,barpos = ?,smslink = ?,defaultwaiterpckey = ?,defaultcaptainpckey = ?,defaultsettlementpckey = ?,touch = ?,lh = ?,promptforsettlement = ?,pendingsettlementcode = ?,checkstock = ?,hmstc = ?,printkotafterbill = ?,defailttablepckey = ?,getphone = ?,openitemgroup = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where posareapckey = ?  
sql.update_sessionmaster=update sessionmaster set sessionpckey = ?,sessionname = ?,fromtime = ?,totime = ?,posareapckey = ?,active = ?,nextsession = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where sessionpckey = ?  
sql.update_purchasertn=update purchasertn set pckey = ?,rtndate = ?,purchaselinepckey = ?,qty = ?,remarks = ?,usercode=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_settleline=update settleline set settlelinepckey = ?,settleheadpckey = ?,settlemasterpckey = ?,settlementamount = ?,remarks=? where settlelinepckey = ?  
sql.update_itemrates=update itemrates set ratepckey = ?,itempckey = ?,posareapckey = ?,rate = ?,issueuom = ?,issueconversionmeasure = ?,rateeffectivefrom = ?,active = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where ratepckey = ?  
sql.update_kotshold=update kotshold set kotlinepckey = ?,kotnumber = ?,tablepckey = ?,kotdatetime = ?,itempckey = ?,rate = ?,qty = ?,measurepckey = ?,openitemname = ?,itempreferencepckey = ?,deleted = ?,shareqty = ?,remarks = ?,billpckey = ?,imeno = ?,kactive = ?,pickedup = ?,ktaken = ?,kotdisplay = ?,msrcardpckey = ?,refkotno = ?,measure = ?,forstock=? where kotlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_tabkots=update tabkots set kotlinepckey = ?,kotnumber = ?,tablepckey = ?,kotdatetime = ?,itempckey = ?,rate = ?,qty = ?,measurepckey = ?,openitemname = ?,itempreferencepckey = ?,deleted = ?,shareqty = ?,remarks = ?,imeno = ?,processed=? where kotlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_purchasehead=update purchasehead set purchaseheadpckey = ?,purchasedate = ?,purchasevoucherno = ?,supplierpckey = ?,supplierbillno = ?,remarks = ?,usercode=? where purchaseheadpckey = ?  
sql.update_ingredientmaster=update ingredientmaster set ingredientspckey = ?,ingredientsgrouppckey = ?,ingredientname = ?,uompckey = ?,issueuompckey = ?,moq = ?,active = ?,uom2issueuomconversoinfactor = ?,vernacularname=? where ingredientspckey = ?  
sql.update_combooptions=update combooptions set combopckey = ?,itempckey = ?,optionno = ?,options = ?,active=? where combopckey = ?  
sql.update_itemcategorymaster=update itemcategorymaster set categorypckey = ?,categoryname = ?,displayname = ?,catetype = ?,breakbill = ?,active = ?,cusdisplayorder = ?,maintainstock = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where categorypckey = ?  
sql.update_devicemaster=update devicemaster set deviceid = ?,imeno = ?,waiterpckey=? where deviceid = ?  
sql.update_settlementmaster=update settlementmaster set settlementpckey = ?,settlementname = ?,active = ?,selected = ?,amount = ?,getdetails = ?,getdebtor = ?,tallygroup = ?,tallyhead = ?,tallyupdated = ?,hmslinked = ?,hmstccode = ?,checkinpckey = ?,debtorpckey = ?,shortname = ?,cckey = ?,lupd = ?,showrefund=? where settlementpckey = ?  
sql.update_poscontrol=update poscontrol set pckey = ?,posname = ?,posaddress = ?,phone = ?,rateeffectivefrom = ?,active = ?,lastcloseddate = ?,lmd = ?,lh = ?,emaillinked = ?,smslink = ?,posaddress2 = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_printerfonts=update printerfonts set fontlinepckey = ?,fontpckey = ?,printerpckey = ?,controlchar1 = ?,controlchar2 = ?,controlchar3 = ?,controlchar4 = ?,active=? where fontlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_taxstructuremaster=update taxstructuremaster set taxstructurepckey = ?,taxpckey = ?,applyorder = ?,fromslabamount = ?,toslabamount = ?,slabcharge = ?,active=? where taxstructurepckey = ?  
sql.update_taxmaster=update taxmaster set taxpckey = ?,taxdescription = ?,rate = ?,applyorder = ?,slab = ?,nettofdiscount = ?,aspercentage = ?,applicablebasicdcamountonly = ?,applicablebasicplusothertaxes = ?,tallyposted = ?,tallyhead = ?,shortname = ?,active = ?,posareapckey = ?,itemcategorypckey = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where taxpckey = ?  
sql.update_ingredientgroups=update ingredientgroups set ingredientsgrouppckey = ?,groupname = ?,expense = ?,active=? where ingredientsgrouppckey = ?  
sql.update_sharebymaster=update sharebymaster set sharedbypckey = ?,shareby = ?,active=? where sharedbypckey = ?  
sql.update_homecustomer=update homecustomer set customerpckey = ?,phoneno = ?,name = ?,address = ?,pincode = ?,landmark = ?,active = ?,cckey=? where customerpckey = ?  
sql.update_complementdiscountnchead=update complementdiscountnchead set cdncpckey = ?,description = ?,active=? where cdncpckey = ?  
sql.update_purchaseline=update purchaseline set plinepckey = ?,pheadpckey = ?,ingredientpckey = ?,qty = ?,freeqty = ?,rate=? where plinepckey = ?  
sql.update_taxmasterstores=update taxmasterstores set taxpckey = ?,taxdescription = ?,rate = ?,applyorder = ?,slab = ?,nettofdiscount = ?,aspercentage = ?,applicablebasicdcamountonly = ?,applicablebasicplusothertaxes = ?,tallyposted = ?,tallyhead = ?,shortname = ?,taxoth = ?,active=? where taxpckey = ?  
sql.update_tabmaster=update tabmaster set tabid = ?,tabkey = ?,tabimeno = ?,active=? where tabid = ?  
sql.update_controltable=update controltable set pckey = ?,companyname = ?,address = ?,phone = ?,active = ?,lastcloseddate=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_kotprintermaster=update kotprintermaster set kotprinterpckey = ?,posareapckey = ?,terminalpckey = ?,allkitchens = ?,kitchenpckey = ?,kotprintername = ?,noofcopies = ?,alsoprinto_printername = ?,noofcopies_2ndprinter = ?,active = ?,printertype = ?,printermode = ?,printerpckey=? where kotprinterpckey = ?  
sql.update_tablegroupmaster=update tablegroupmaster set tablegrouppckey = ?,groupname = ?,active = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where tablegrouppckey = ?  
sql.update_debtormaster=update debtormaster set debtormaster = ?,debtorname = ?,contactphoneno = ?,address = ?,active=? where debtormaster = ?  
sql.update_terminalline=update terminalline set pckey = ?,terminalpckey = ?,allowedposareapckey = ?,active = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_devicelocation=update devicelocation set pckey = ?,waiterpckey = ?,lat = ?,lon = ?,dttime = ?,billpckey=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_suppliermaster=update suppliermaster set supplierpckey = ?,suppliername = ?,supplieraddress = ?,cstno = ?,vat = ?,phone = ?,contactperson = ?,active=? where supplierpckey = ?  
sql.update_numbermaster=update numbermaster set nopckey = ?,pospckey = ?,kotno = ?,billno = ?,ncbillno = ?,active = ?,nckotno = ?,cbillno = ?,ckotno=? where nopckey = ?  
sql.update_kitchenmaster=update kitchenmaster set kitchenpckey = ?,kitchenname = ?,breakkot = ?,breakserial = ?,active = ?,tvdisplay = ?,cckey = ?,luod=? where kitchenpckey = ?  
sql.update_purchasetaxrtnline=update purchasetaxrtnline set pckey = ?,purchaselinepckey = ?,taxpckey = ?,rate = ?,amount=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_waitermaster=update waitermaster set waiterpckey = ?,waitername = ?,posareapckey = ?,waitershortname = ?,allinallposarea = ?,active = ?,mobileno = ?,lon = ?,lat = ?,defaultwaiter = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where waiterpckey = ?  
sql.update_uommaster=update uommaster set uompckey = ?,uomdescription = ?,posareapckey = ?,active = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where uompckey = ?  
sql.update_terminalhead=update terminalhead set terminalpckey = ?,terminalname = ?,touchpos = ?,location = ?,active = ?,rkotallowed = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where terminalpckey = ?  
sql.update_menu=update menu set mainmenu = ?,actn = ?,caption = ?,description = ?,submenuofaction = ?,controlid = ?,admin=? where mainmenu = ?  
sql.update_usermast=update usermast set usercode = ?,username = ?,password = ?,rights = ?,active = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where usercode = ?  
sql.update_itemmaster=update itemmaster set itempckey = ?,itemcode = ?,grouppckey = ?,itemname = ?,alphacode = ?,active = ?,uompckey = ?,defaultissueuom = ?,menudisplayorder = ?,discountallowed = ?,rate1 = ?,rate2 = ?,stockin = ?,issued = ?,vendorrate = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where itempckey = ?  
sql.update_stock=update stock set pckey = ?,itempckey = ?,trndate = ?,trntype = ?,quantity = ?,rate=? where pckey = ?  
sql.update_purchasetaxline=update purchasetaxline set ptaxlinepckey = ?,pheadpckey = ?,plinepckey = ?,taxpckey = ?,rate = ?,amount=? where ptaxlinepckey = ?  
sql.update_printermaster=update printermaster set printerpckey = ?,printername = ?,papersizeinches = ?,active=? where printerpckey = ?  
sql.update_itemgroupmaster=update itemgroupmaster set itemgrouppckey = ?,groupname = ?,itemcategorypckey = ?,kitchenpckey = ?,vegnv = ?,baritem = ?,outsourced = ?,combo = ?,taxable = ?,active = ?,cckey = ?,lupd=? where itemgrouppckey = ?  
sql.update_itempreference=update itempreference set itempreferencepckey = ?,description = ?,itempckey = ?,active=? where itempreferencepckey = ?


Active Member
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OK I have not used transaction with RDC, in fact I don't know how to start a transaction in RDC. Can someone guide me.
I am using the executebatch for both inserts and update.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
JRDC has transactions already integrated.

What Erel means is for this code in particular:

            For i=0 To lrst.Size-1
              '  Log( "update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & "set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) ) 
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) ) 
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webmodify=0  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) ) 
                'Log( "Key " & lrst.Get(i))                 

You are not using transactions. it should be something like this:

            For i=0 To lrst.Size-1
              '  Log( "update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & "set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) ) 
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webupdated=1  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) ) 
                sqlDb.ExecNonQuery("update " & m.GetKeyAt(0) & " set webmodify=0  where " & m.GetKeyAt(1) & "=" & lrst.Get(i) ) 
                'Log( "Key " & lrst.Get(i))                 
End Try
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
oh and you are using B4J 5.00 and that is so... April 2017!

For better code use 5.51 and Wait for Async calls to JRDC
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Active Member
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Longtime User
But you are not using batches in the code you posted above!?
If blnGotrecs Then Dim tParm AsString =""For i=0To cParm.Length-1
 tParm=tParm & cParm(i) & ","
 NextLog(tParm)Dim m AsMap
 rm.ExecuteBatch(lstCmd, m)EndIfLoop
Yes Don you are correct, I have used in RDC call only and not in dbutility.
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