Here are a few tips I collected while writing the wrapper for Bleak (BLE). Bleak is the first non-small library written for PyBridge and it is worth going over its code. You can unzip the b4xlib to find the two classes.
1. All the Python code that is added with Py.RunCode and the other similar methods, goes into the "global namespace". Practically it is like a single module (code file).
Py.RunCode / RunCodeAwait accept a MemberName parameter as the first parameter. This is used as a key to prevent the code from being added more than once.
This key is expected to be the same as the method name and is used to actually execute the method.
You can do something similar in two steps with:
And once defined you can call "func12" like this from every place.
2. Raising events:
3. "Stealing" events:
In most cases there is a single PyBridge object, that is initialized in B4XMainPage. This means that by default the events are raised there. If you want to handle events in your library code then you can call Py.SetEventMapping:
These calls override the default mapping of these events, with Me (current class) as the callback and Py as the event name.
4. Now for something a bit more tricky. The dict that is sent to B4J with the raise_event call, is serialized with B4XSerializator. This means that the types must be compatible with B4XSerializator. There are several ways to extend the types supported by B4XSerializator, but for many complex objects, it doesn't really make sense to serialize them. You actually want to hold a pointer to a Python object. This happens all the time with PyWrapper. The Python process memory is managed by B4J. This makes it a bit more complicated to create Python objects during events.
It goes like this:
First we call store_python_object with the target object. The returned value is a number which acts as a pointer.
The "slot" number is sent in the event dict.
And in the B4J code we must call get_and_remove_object to convert the slot number to a PyWrapper:
Now t1.BLEDevice is a PyWrapper pointing to the Python object. Note that if we won't call get_and_remove_object then we will have a memory leak.
5. Code to make Python errors more clear:
It might be added to PyBridge at some point.
1. All the Python code that is added with Py.RunCode and the other similar methods, goes into the "global namespace". Practically it is like a single module (code file).
Py.RunCode / RunCodeAwait accept a MemberName parameter as the first parameter. This is used as a key to prevent the code from being added more than once.
This key is expected to be the same as the method name and is used to actually execute the method.
You can do something similar in two steps with:
def func12(x, y):
return x + y
'And call this method:
Dim res As PyWrapper = Py.GetMember("func12").Call.Arg(10).Arg(20)
2. Raising events:
bridge_instance.raise_event("DeviceDisconnected", {"device": client.address})
Private Sub Py_DeviceDisconnected (Args As Map)
3. "Stealing" events:
In most cases there is a single PyBridge object, that is initialized in B4XMainPage. This means that by default the events are raised there. If you want to handle events in your library code then you can call Py.SetEventMapping:
Py.SetEventMapping("DeviceFound", Me, "Py")
Py.SetEventMapping("DeviceDisconnected", Me, "Py")
Py.SetEventMapping("CharNotify", Me, "Py")
4. Now for something a bit more tricky. The dict that is sent to B4J with the raise_event call, is serialized with B4XSerializator. This means that the types must be compatible with B4XSerializator. There are several ways to extend the types supported by B4XSerializator, but for many complex objects, it doesn't really make sense to serialize them. You actually want to hold a pointer to a Python object. This happens all the time with PyWrapper. The Python process memory is managed by B4J. This makes it a bit more complicated to create Python objects during events.
It goes like this:
First we call store_python_object with the target object. The returned value is a number which acts as a pointer.
slot = bridge_instance.store_python_object(device)
And in the B4J code we must call get_and_remove_object to convert the slot number to a PyWrapper:
t1.BLEDevice = Py.Bridge.Run("get_and_remove_object").Arg(DataFromEvent.Get("device_slot"))
5. Code to make Python errors more clear:
Public Sub ParseErrorMessage(Raw As String) As String
Dim m As Matcher = Regex.Matcher("\(([^)]+)\) - Method: [^.]+\.[^:]+:(.*)$", Raw)
Dim msg As String = Raw
If m.Find Then
msg = m.Group(1)
If m.Group(2).Trim <> "" Then
msg = msg & " - " & m.Group(2)
End If
End If
Return msg
End Sub