This example is based on:
The steps are:
1. Read the CSV file with StringUtils.
2. Take the BMI and target columns.
3. Split the data to train and test sets.
4. Train the model with a call to
5. Evaluate the model using the test data set.
6. Plot it using MatplotLib.
I also added a step where the plot is fetched back to B4J and displayed with a B4XImageView. You can instead call"show") to show the standard plot window (which has advantages over a static image).
Note that the regression will work better with all inputs, instead of just the BMI. You can test it by adding all fields to "BMI":
And skip the plotting code.
Don't miss the dependencies line at the top.
The steps are:
1. Read the CSV file with StringUtils.
2. Take the BMI and target columns.
3. Split the data to train and test sets.
4. Train the model with a call to
5. Evaluate the model using the test data set.
6. Plot it using MatplotLib.
I also added a step where the plot is fetched back to B4J and displayed with a B4XImageView. You can instead call"show") to show the standard plot window (which has advantages over a static image).
Note that the regression will work better with all inputs, instead of just the BMI. You can test it by adding all fields to "BMI":
For Each row() As String In data
Dim x As List
For i = 0 To row.Length - 2 'the last column is the target
bmi.Add(x) 'the X input is expected to be a list of arrays.
Don't miss the dependencies line at the top.