Android Question Question about publishing on PlayStore


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Good evening
The publication of my application was refused.
I am asked for a link to the privacy policy.
Could someone please tell me what I should do?
Thank you very much for your answers.
Yours sincerely.


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you either have to have a "page" in your app (eg, label, webview, ...) with your privacy policy spelled out. you can make it accessible via the drop down menu, or
you need an actual webpage on your webpage server. if you don't have one, i think there are still free ones out there. just do up a privacy policy page and show the link somewhere in your app. it's easy. if you collect user data, you say what it is you collect. if you collect no personal data, you say you collect no personal data. done.
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Put a text file with privacy policy on your gdrive or dropbox and put the link to it. You need to add it in your store listing where you set the app. I am not sure if it is needed to be inside the app but in your dev console you must add it.

This is mine:
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Many thanks for your quick answers.
In fact, during the confinement I was busy creating an application that is composed of cards containing name, surname, phone number and date of birth, with a classification of friends, family and work.
And I think that it's at the level of this personal data that it gets stuck.
I don't see any way out of it other than giving up my project completely.
Yours sincerely.
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And I think that it's at the level of this personal data that it gets stuck.

i don't think so, a lot of app uses personal data even picking them from phone contacts. just make sure you add all required permissions to your app and set the privacy policy somewhere so you can put the link in your store listing dev console. As long as you say what your app does and the user agrees to it why should there be a problem??

don't give up just fix those missing parts that's it!
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Being a complete novice in this field, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Namely that I'm French and that I'm passing my questions through an online translator.
What's that?
- Define the privacy policy somewhere so you can put the link in your shopping list development console.
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go to your developer console. then click your app and go to > Store Presence > App Content

you should check that all Content are completed and with a green checkmark.


create a privacy policy text file (you can copy the one from my site, just make sure to change the name from sagital to yours) and after you have created the file upload it to a cloud and put the link of that file in your app content "privacy policy"

btw. can you post the whole email you got from google?
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It's only the privacy rules that aren't in green.
I'm attaching all of this to you.


  • Capture04.PNG
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  • Capture0401.PNG
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Namely that I'm French ...

don't be ridiculous; google's entire site is in french (among other languages). its developer's console is in french. even we have a french forum.
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It's only the privacy rules that aren't in green.
I'm attaching all of this to you.

so all you need to do is create a txt file and upload it to a cloud and put the link in your app content settings. thats it.
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Good evening
Many thanks to you CaptKronos.
If I understand correctly, I need to download the file Privacy.html, replace Sagital with my name.
Open an account on github, then upload my Privacy.html file.
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Hi FerGeoRi, the privacy policy does not need to be formatted as nicely as ilan's (plain text is fine) but copying ilan's privacy.html would be a good starting point. You will need to change it to reflect your app for example your app will very likely have different permissions, probably not use GPS etc. Make sure the text you publish is correct.
As far as hosting your privacy policy, if you decide to use github then take a look at however, as ilan suggested in this thread, just using something like gdrive would be more straightforward.
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Thank you again, CaptKronos.
It's starting to clear up in my head.
Indeed I must make a text according to my application.
Can this text be written in French?
Can the format be in Word?
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I can't imagine that it has to be in English but I don't know. Unless Google tells you it has to be in English, I would go with French.
Best to use text or html, rather than rely on a file format.
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Always a problem for the publication of my application.

As far as the Privacy Policy is concerned, it's OK.

I am attaching the view of the Application Contents / Authorization Declaration Form.

I desperately try to select a basic feature, and it's always refused.
And there is no way to ask what the solution is. I'm told that it doesn't work, but no information to guide me.


  • Capture000.PNG
    37.6 KB · Views: 308
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- Privacy Policy :
Thanks to the information given by ilan and CaptKronos, I made an html page and put it online.

- Authorization declaration form :
It's noted: sent, 1 permissions declared, android.permission.SEND_SMS.
At this level, I don't know what to do anymore, whatever the basic functionality chosen, it's refused.
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I don't know what your app does but I really would recommend you not to use SMS sending in your app if you can avoid it. people will unlikely to install apps with such permission. unless you are WhatsApp or Facebook. you have lot of other options then SMS like share via Whatsapp or email or facebook etc. Sending SMS or perform Calls should really be the last feature you use in your App if you would like to get lot of installs.
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