[Question] Background Working


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Hello everyone,

I have a question about letting your app work in the background.
So I have a btnStart that will start the service: StartService(Interceptor).
then I have this:

Sub SI_MessageReceived (From As String, Body As String)
    Log("MessageReceived: From = " & From & ", Body = " & Body)
   MessageFrom1 = From
   MessageBody1 = Body
   CallSub(Main, "AfterMessageReceived")

So how let I keep the activity working when you don't see it and when you receive a message, the activity opens again or something.

Like the android task killer when you swipe it down on Notifications.

Hope u can help me as soon as possible.



EDIT: I managed to solve some things like working on the background where you basically just need services.

but I still want to know how you can call it on the notifications and set a icon for it
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