I have a question.
This mode work. Can i use HttpUtils to get the same result ???
I try this:
but success = false
and error is:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
Thank you all
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then
End If
'Preleva Token
Dim vedi As String = XMLRPC1.objectCall2("autenticazione.Accedi","QCOT7MBQwaC8dQI3BcVEC58kTCeriOOi","")
Log(vedi) ' I have correct result here
This mode work. Can i use HttpUtils to get the same result ???
I try this:
job1.Initialize("JOB1", Me)
Dim autentificazione As String = "http://muovi.roma.it/ws/xml/autenticazione/1"
job1.Download2(autentificazione, Array As String("QCOT7MBQwaC8dQI3BcVEC58kTCeriOOi", ""))
Log("JobName = " & job1.JobName & ", Success = " & job1.Success)
but success = false
and error is:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /: open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)
Thank you all