Android Question Question on compile an app with targetSdk set to 31 using Android 33


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I've to upgrade some apps that currently are with targetsdk below or equal to SDK30 for the 1st May 2023.

In other threads, in particular NB6 + Target SDK 33 and Question about android:targetSdkVersion 33, I noticed the current targetsdk must be equal to 31.

I know I've to make all the required changes as reported in android.jar / targetSdkVersion / minSdkVersion.

So I upgraded B4A to version 12.2 and downloaded the commandline tools and required resources as described in the Installation procedure of B4A.

I installed in a folder called Android2023 and in the paths configuration I set:


Then in the manifest editor I use the following:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="18" android:targetSdkVersion="31"/>

Is this the correct way to compile an app with targetsdk = 31 using Android 33?

Thanks in advance
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