Has anybody got a working solution to this, I have searched far and wide and can't seem to get it working.
The general advice is to use the PhoneStateListener in a service and capture the PSL_onSignalStrengthsChanged event, I have tried this but the event never fires.
You used to be able to call GsmSignalStrength from PhoneStateListener and this would give signal data but it now returns a null reference error.
It must be possible ??
Has anybody got a working solution to this, I have searched far and wide and can't seem to get it working.
The general advice is to use the PhoneStateListener in a service and capture the PSL_onSignalStrengthsChanged event, I have tried this but the event never fires.
You used to be able to call GsmSignalStrength from PhoneStateListener and this would give signal data but it now returns a null reference error.
It must be possible ??