Android Question Recur event caught by accessibility


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I refer to the example here:

I am trying to write an app that can run some simple actions on other 3rd party apps. My idea is to capture my actions and study the caught events so that I can use acs.performNodeActionOnViewsWithArgs. However, the details are not enough to make it feasible.

Is there an example coding which can do functions like
Sub DoEvent(event as string) 'as in what caught in acs_OnAcccessibilityEvent

End sub


Sub PerformClick(x as int, y as int) ' so as to stimulate a click on the screen regardless whatever view is on that position

End sub

An example of caught event which I want to make it auto by accessibility:

my event: EventType: TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED; EventTime: 162109057; PackageName:; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0; ContentChangeTypes: []; WindowChangeTypes: [] [ ClassName: android.view.ViewGroup; Text: [Page1]; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; Enabled: true; Password: false; Checked: false; FullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: 0; ScrollY: 0; MaxScrollX: 0; MaxScrollY: 0; ScrollDeltaX: -1; ScrollDeltaY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 1
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