Hi, I use this solution as basic for video recording in music online teaching. It works very good, thanks to this super example. Student videos and tutor comments can be uploaded and downloaded from a server.
Only one problem: The audio latency. The sound is about one second later then the video and this is much for music teaching. By myself I only found ways to change video solution. May be, this code gives a hint?
I am lost in this android hardware settings. Could someone, please, help?
Only one problem: The audio latency. The sound is about one second later then the video and this is much for music teaching. By myself I only found ways to change video solution. May be, this code gives a hint?
Public Sub Initialize (CameraPanel As Panel)
mPanel = CameraPanel
jcamera = Camera
PreviewSize.Initialize(1920, 1080)
CaptureSize.Initialize(1920, 1080)
bothMaps = Array(PreviewSettingsMap, CaptureSettingMap)
End Sub