In trying to reduce RAM usage I noticed that even reading a single EEprom byte gobbles up RAM equivalent to the EEPROM size and this doesn't appear to be released afterwards. Is there anything that can be done about this? Example to test this is:
EEPROM RAM usage test:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
Public Serial1 As Serial
Public ee As EEPROM
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Log("Available RAM: ",AvailableRAM)
Log("Read EEPROM size: ", ee.Size)
Log("Available RAM: ",AvailableRAM)
Log("Read Byte 0: ",ee.ReadBytes(0,1)(0))
Log("Available RAM: ",AvailableRAM)
End Sub
Private Sub afterstart
Log("Available RAM AS: ",AvailableRAM)
End Sub