relocating screen elements in Designer


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Is there any way to relocate more than one element on the screen at the time. For example I have several text fields lied out on the Panel and which I would want to move down or up, along with some buttons... ? Any options do display a grid ?

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Is there any way to relocate more than one element on the screen at the time. For example I have several text fields lied out on the Panel and which I would want to move down or up, along with some buttons... ? Any options do display a grid ?

B4A does not allow selecting multiple elements (called "Views" in B4A). If you anticipate needing to move a group of Views, you would need to put them into a container such as Panel.

B4A does not have a Grid View. You can create a grid by putting Label and/or EditText Views onto a Panel, such as the one below where the "grid lines" are just spaces left between the Labels placed on a dark Panel.

If you search for "grid", you can find alternatives and other information in threads such as the one below:
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By using term GRID I ment aliging grid which in many screen designers is displayed as dots (or sometimes lines). Is there any SnapToGrid type function to manipulate those views easily ?

What is the purpose of changing GRID measure in Designer then ?

As far as Placing elements (views - arhghr - this term is confusing), I already have a Panel and some 'views' laid out on the top of it, but when I move a Panel the buttons, and fields don't move at all.

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Well-Known Member
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By using term GRID I ment aliging grid which in many screen designers is displayed as dots (or sometimes lines). Is there any SnapToGrid type function to manipulate those views easily ?

Yes. In Designer, the default snap-to-grid setting is 10. To change it, click on Tools and Change Grid. There is no option for displaying the grid.

As far as Placing elements (views - arhghr - this term is confusing), I already have a Panel and some 'views' laid out on the top of it, but when I move a Panel the buttons, and fields don't move at all.

In the Properties list in Designer, select each view which you want to belong on a panel and set each view's Parent property to the panel name. You can find this information in the B4a documentation Wiki at

I agree that the term "view" takes some getting used to. It's not at all descriptive, but it is an Android term, so B4A has little choice but to use it.
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OK, I understand,... will check referenced link. Thank you for your time.

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