Android Tutorial Remote Database Connector (RDC) - Connect to any remote DB

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The local one. Seems only to happen when I add records to a table in a loop. I have also tried a batch nonquery, but similar results. I must be missing something simple. Any samples with many batches operations?

Im trying to fill many tables locally from a remote database. it seems to fill the first table, maybe the second one, but then corrupts the db after I add more tables to be filled.

I also can't seem to populate a single table with a few thousand records from a MS-SQL database to sqlite on the phone. It gets corrupt everytime.

When I say corrupt I mean I can't copy the db file off the phone onto my PC and open with
the program SQLite Expert Personal which I can without populating it will many records. I can still seem to work with the database on the phone though. Very strange.
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I can get my program to populate 10 tables (with only 10-100 records) without any issues, but when I try to populate a table with over 1000 records, I get a corrupt db. I have tried with MSSql and SQLite as the backend without changes. Can anyone successfully populate a sqlite db file on a phone from a remote database with more than 1000 records (with about 10 fields, text and numeric). Very frustrating, I'm so close I know, but I think I found a problem here.


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I'm on to something I think, I can add 780 records, but when I get to 781 it corrupts the DB.

using this code

Sub btnAddRecs_Click
    Dim iTempID As Int
    Dim iTempSEQ As Int
    Dim sTempDesc As String
    Dim sTempAbbrev As String
        For i = 1 To 781 '500, 600, 750, 760, 770, 780  works, but 5000, 1000, 900, 800, 790, 785, 783, 781 does NOT  these number are from a blank body table
            iTempID = i
            iTempSEQ = i
            sTempDesc = "test" & i
            sTempAbbrev = i
            mySQL1.ExecNonQuery("INSERT INTO Body (BodyID, BodySEQ, BodyDesc, BodyAbbrev) VALUES (" & iTempID & ", " & iTempSEQ & ", '" & sTempDesc & "', '" & sTempAbbrev & "'" & ")")
    End Try
End Sub

erel, Did I find a bug?? I also tried without using transactions, but same trouble at the exact same number.
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I don't understand how to return a query result.
After this line, how do I get the result of this query:
reqManager.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, "cat 1")

Or is a result returned in this code?

Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
  If Job.Success = False Then
    Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
    If Job.JobName = "DBRequest" Then
      Dim result As DBResult = reqManager.HandleJob(Job)
      If result.Tag = "cat 1" Then 'query tag
        For Each records() As Object In result.Rows
          Dim name As String = records(0) 'or records(result.Columns.Get("name"))
      End If
    End If
  End If
End Sub

If so, must I create a Job parameter, or does it exist in some other module so I can pass it as a parameter?


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I really struggle with this, but anyway.
Here is the code in my Log-In button, for the sake of being as simple as possible, I just query whether the user-name entered
already exists or not.

The "selectuserpwd" query just returns a count of records that match the entered user name.
Do you know how/where I can read the returned count of the query?

Sub btnLogIn_Click
    Dim cmd As DBCommand
    cmd.Name = "selectuserpwd"
    cmd.Parameters = Array As Object(txtUser.Text)
    Dim sResult As String
    reqManager.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 1,txtUser.Text  )
End Sub


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Thanks my problem is solved, I now see that the JobDone gets called implicitly.


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I can not find the folder jdbc_driver .
Do free web host providers hide such folder?
Or should I create it?
I want to test it online not on my PC.
Thanks in advance

Carlos Bernardino

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Hi there!

Is it possible to use INNER JOINS on the SQL Commands included in the file?

Thanks in advance!


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Is RDC possible to install on Goddady hosting site? If yes is there any tutorial ?

Thanks in advance,


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Few questions.
Once RDC is started on server, How to stop? just close command window?

I have multiple databases for a single application, is there a way to set the database name dynamically? or can multiple instances of RDC run under different ports?

Restarting RDC on server reboot, automatically? Schedule Task?

Can RDC be restarted with a Remote Command

Please advise

Thanks so much...
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