B4J Code Snippet Render a Node

Dear community,

here is a snip about NEW rendering of any node in any size you want.
Yery useful: the original Node is not altered.

Works with B4J, not tested with B4A.


Private Sub RenderNode (factorX As Double, factorY as Double, sourceView As B4XView) As B4XBitmap
        Dim scale As JavaObject
        scale.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.transform.Scale", Array(factorX , factorY))      
        Dim snapParas As JavaObject
        Dim nod As JavaObject = sourceView.As(Node)
        Dim snapshot As JavaObject = nod.RunMethodJO("snapshot", Array(snapParas,Null))      
        Return snapshot.As(B4XBitmap)

End Sub

Dim snap As B4XBitmap = RenderNode(3.0, 3.0, B4XPages.MainPage.Root)

Dim out As OutputStream
out = File.OpenOutput("C:\", "Snap.png", False)
snap.WriteToStream(out, 100, "PNG")


Licensed User
Longtime User
If you declare a node (B4J) or a view (B4A and B4i) as a B4XView you have directly the Snapshot property and cross-platform.
pay attention to the difference between a snapshot (where you have only the resolution of the screen) and NEW rendering (in larger size ingeniously) and then snap it.
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