Spent quite a bit of time (with help from several people here - thank you all) figuring out how to resize an input dialog and get just the input I want. It is not exactly what I want yet but it is a good start.
Thought I would post what I have done in case others find it useful.
Biggie for me:
WOW! How to open a "Modal" Dialog and alter it after it is open! Never would have occurred to me you could do that.
Have to set these before you open the dialog. Sets the overall size.
Thought I would post what I have done in case others find it useful.
Sub YourSub
Dim input As B4XInputTemplate
input.RegexPattern = ".+" 'require at least one character
input.lblTitle.Text = "Enter Employee Number"
input.mBase.Height = 20%y
input.mBase.Width = 60%x
Dim RS As ResumableSub = (dialog.ShowTemplate(input, "OK", "", "CANCEL"))
FormatDialog(input, True, False)
Wait For(RS) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
.Your Code Here
.And Your Code Here
End If
End Sub
Sub FormatDialog(input As B4XInputTemplate, NumOnly As Boolean, PW As Boolean)
Dim ET As EditText = input.TextField1
Dim p As Panel = input.GetPanel(dialog)
ET.Height = (input.mBase.Height / 2)
ET.top = (input.mBase.Height / 3)
ET.Width = input.mBase.Width - (ET.Left * 2)
Dim p As Panel = input.GetPanel(dialog)
Dim LB As Label = p.GetView(0)
LB.Height = (input.mBase.Height / 3)
LB.TextSize = 25
LB.TextColor = Colors.Cyan
Dim Cncl As B4XView = dialog.GetButton(xui.DialogResponse_Cancel)
Cncl.Width = (input.mBase.Width * .45)
Cncl.Left = ET.Left
Cncl.Height = Cncl.Height * 1.2 '((p.Height - (ET.Top + ET.Height)) * 2) '- 5dip '
Cncl.TextSize = 33
Cncl.Color = Colors.RGB(255, 91, 71)
Cncl.Top = ET.Top + ET.Height + 15dip
Dim ok As B4XView = dialog.GetButton(xui.DialogResponse_Positive)
ok.Width = Cncl.Width
ok.Left = ET.Left + ET.Width - ok.Width
ok.Height = Cncl.Height
ok.TextSize = 33
ok.Color = Colors.Cyan
ok.Top = ET.Top + ET.Height + 15dip
ET.TextSize = 32
If NumOnly Then
'input.ConfigureForNumbers(True, False)
IME.SetCustomFilter(ET, ET.INPUT_TYPE_NUMBERS, "-.0123456789")
ET.InputType = Bit.Or(128, Bit.Or(ET.InputType, 524288)) 'VARIATION_PASSWORD, NO_SUGGESTION
ET.PasswordMode = False
End If
ET.PasswordMode = PW
End Sub
Biggie for me:
Dim RS As ResumableSub = (dialog.ShowTemplate(input, "OK", "", "CANCEL"))
Wait For(RS) Complete (Result As Int)
input.mBase.Height = 20%y
input.mBase.Width = 60%x
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