I remember using the old notification method and it was quiet simple to use. Most of my applications have more then 1 background service running. I generally have a primary server running, svc_service, and it has the notification object defined in it. All the other services that need to run as background tasks would have used Service.StartForeground(1,svc_service.n1) in there service_create. This all worked lovely.
Now, the new method I find a bit confusing in respect to being able to change the icon, and the text. For example when the app of offline, I want to who an offline icon and the test says offline, and similarly when the app is on line. This I cannot seem to do correctly.
This is my current method - does not really work properly.
svc_service - (relevant functions only)
Any other service that want to be a background running task does this on se4rvice_create
One of the problems I am havving, which is wany I want to deal with on this post is in svc_service you can call on of the following functions;
show_notify_online(),show_notify_offline(),show_notify_sleeping() which in turn will create/recreate the notification. It stops doing the icon change and text change after about 2 calls to any of these functions.
I am obviously doing something wrong, any ideas. Also when I link the other services to the notification in svc_service, does this link get effected when the icon is changed ?
I remember using the old notification method and it was quiet simple to use. Most of my applications have more then 1 background service running. I generally have a primary server running, svc_service, and it has the notification object defined in it. All the other services that need to run as background tasks would have used Service.StartForeground(1,svc_service.n1) in there service_create. This all worked lovely.
Now, the new method I find a bit confusing in respect to being able to change the icon, and the text. For example when the app of offline, I want to who an offline icon and the test says offline, and similarly when the app is on line. This I cannot seem to do correctly.
This is my current method - does not really work properly.
svc_service - (relevant functions only)
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Dim tmrServiceHook As Timer
Dim br As BroadCastReceiver
Dim pw As PhoneWakeState
Dim PE As PhoneEvents
Dim PhoneId As PhoneId
Dim nID As Int = 1
End Sub
Sub Service_Create
mod_functions.writelog("svc_service(), Service_Create")
Service.AutomaticForegroundMode = Service.AUTOMATIC_FOREGROUND_ALWAYS
' // phone events
' // set the serve hook to be called every 1 seconds
End Sub
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
mod_functions.writelog("svc_service(), Service_Start")
br.registerReceiver( "")
tmrServiceHook.Enabled = True
If Not(Main.APPSET.currentChannel.IsInitialized) Then
End If
' // update notification
If Main.APPSET.IsOnline Then
End If
If Not(Main.APPSET.IsOnline) And Main.APPSET.currentChannel.call_state = mod_core_consts.CS_CLOSED Then
End If
If Not(Main.APPSET.IsOnline) And Main.APPSET.currentChannel.call_state = mod_core_consts.CS_SNOOZING Then
End If
If Not(Main.APPSET.IsOnline) And Main.APPSET.currentChannel.call_state = mod_core_consts.CS_OFFLINE Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Service_Destroy
tmrServiceHook.Enabled = False
mod_functions.writelog("svc_service(), Service_Destroy")
End Sub
Sub show_notify_online()
Service.AutomaticForegroundNotification = CreateNotification("Atlas PTT","Online","icon_online",Main,False,False)
End Sub
Sub show_notify_offline()
Service.AutomaticForegroundNotification = CreateNotification("Atlas PTT","Offline","icon_offline",Main,False,False)
End Sub
Sub show_notify_sleeping()
Service.AutomaticForegroundNotification = CreateNotification("Atlas PTT","Sleeping until " & DateTime.Date(Main.APPSET.snooze) & " " & DateTime.Time(Main.APPSET.snooze),"icon_offline",Main,False,False)
End Sub
Sub get_service_notification As Notification
Return Service.AutomaticForegroundNotification
End Sub
Private Sub CreateNotification(Title As String, Content As String, Icon As String, TargetActivity As Object, Sound As Boolean, Vibrate As Boolean) As Notification
mod_functions.writelog("svc_service(), CreateNotification - " & Content)
Dim p As Phone
Dim n As Notification
If p.SdkVersion >= 21 Then
Dim nb As NotificationBuilder
Dim Channel As NotificationChannelBuilder
Dim ChannelID As String = "ies_ptt"
Dim ChannelName As String = "Atlas Push To Talk"
' // Build a Channel
If Channel.ChannelsSupported Then
Channel.Initialize(ChannelID, ChannelName, Channel.IMPORTANCE_LOW)
End If
nb.AutoCancel = False
nb.OnGoingEvent = True
nb.DefaultSound = False ' sound
nb.DefaultVibrate = False ' vibrate
nb.DefaultLight = False
nb.ContentTitle = Title
nb.ContentText = Content
nb.SmallIcon = Icon
nb.Number = nID
' //set the return object for the notification object (n1) in this service
Return nb.GetNotification
n.Number = nID
n.Light = False
n.Vibrate = False
n.Sound = False
n.OnGoingEvent = True
n.Icon = Icon
n.SetInfo(Title, Content, TargetActivity)
Return n
End If
End Sub
Any other service that want to be a background running task does this on se4rvice_create
Sub Service_Create
Service.AutomaticForegroundNotification = CallSub(svc_service,"get_service_notification")
Service.AutomaticForegroundMode = Service.AUTOMATIC_FOREGROUND_ALWAYS
End Sub
One of the problems I am havving, which is wany I want to deal with on this post is in svc_service you can call on of the following functions;
show_notify_online(),show_notify_offline(),show_notify_sleeping() which in turn will create/recreate the notification. It stops doing the icon change and text change after about 2 calls to any of these functions.
I am obviously doing something wrong, any ideas. Also when I link the other services to the notification in svc_service, does this link get effected when the icon is changed ?