B4J Question Restarting Jetty server


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Hi all,

I'm using jetty with a Let's Encrypt certificate that lasts 90 days. Within the period of the last days within this period the certificate is renewed.
How should I make sure Jetty is picking up the new certificate ?

I tried to stop the jetty Server with:
Dim jo As JavaObject = srvr
jo.GetFieldJO("server").RunMethod("stop", Null)

and then restart the same server (or another instance: same result) (within the same B4J application though)
While doing so I get:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Multiple servlets map to path /guessmynumber/guess: anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JServlet-27406a17[mapped:EMBEDDED:null],anywheresoftware.b4j.object.JServlet-248e319b[mapped:EMBEDDED:null]

Alternative (which I would like to avoid) is to stop the entire B4J application and restart it again.

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