iOS Tutorial Restore factory settings on a locked iPhone device

This is not actually an iOS tutorial but it might be useful to all of the users of B4i. Here it goes so.

It seems since I have not used my iPhone for long time, I have forgotten my unlock device password so I have searched the web on how to unlock it.
Most of the results were refering that you have to use iTunes. I have searched for iTunes and it seems that Apple has divided this App in three apps. You have to choose the app related to the devices now.

I did download it and connected my iPhone and I was waiting for it to recognize it but this was in vain. In order to recognize a locked iPhone device you will have to choose one of the following two ways depending on your iPhone model:
1) Put it in Recovery mode
2) Put it in DFU mode

Here is how to do this. Initially I downloaded this software because it was mentioned it is a free app but it only checks if you can take an action on your phone and then asks for money to take this action. It is useful thought because it describes how to do this:

These images are from their site and I do now know if it is wrong to put them here. I do not believe they will have a problem with this since after all their software is getting known. If it is wrong then please remove this post.

Guide on how to get into "Recovery Mode":

Guide on how to enter "DFU Mode":

For my iPhone SE 2016 I had to press and hold pressed the home button with the power button at the same time. Once I did this the Devices App by Apple recognized the phone. Once it did recognize it, it offered me the options to update or restore it. You will have to choose restore and it will detect the iOS version and download the corresponding Firmware.

Your phone will remain in Restore mode or DFU mode for about 15 minutes. If this time is not enough for Apple Devices App to download the firmware the iPhone will exit this mode and the app will return in the previous screen asking you to connect the phone in order to recognize it. No worries. It continues downloading in the background and if you put your iPhone again in Restore mode or DFU mode it will recognize it and report to you that the firmware is downloading now and it will have the restore and update buttons disabled.

It took about 1,5 hours for me at my internet speed to download the firmware but maybe for others it will take less.

After a lot of time I tried to put my phone again in Restore mode. The Apple Devices App has recognized it and displayed to me a dialog to restore the phone or update it.
I choosed 'Restore' and I saw an empty bar being filled rapidly reporting that the Firmware is extracted.

Afterwards the iPhone turned black and the screen opened again displaying the Apple's Logo. The bar in Apple Devices App afterwards changed to Restoring iPhone Software and started being filled slowly. Also in the iPhone bellow the Logo a bar showed up and started being filled even slower than the Apple Devices App's bar.

Then in the laptop screen the AppBar, after being filled to the end changed consecutively to:
1) Validating iPhone Software
2) Restoring iPhone Software (again)
3) Validating iPhone Software with Apple

And after all these at last it reported that the software has been restored. In the iPhone the bar was filled but what happened afterwards is that it turned black and did not turned back on immediately. When it did turned back on there was again the Apple's Logo and a bar being filled from zero again but much faster. When it turned back on it reported to me that the phone was restored for my e-mail and I followed the well known initial starting iPhone device procedure for the first time.
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