'Sets the rotation angle around the Y or X axis of the given view
'v = view
'Angle = rotation angle in degrees
Sub setRotationY(v As View, angle As Float)
Dim jo = v As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setRotationY", Array As Object(angle))
End Sub
Sub setRotationX(v As View, angle As Float)
Dim jo = v As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setRotationX", Array As Object(angle))
End Sub
'Sets the X pivot point of the given view
'v = view
'X = X coordinate of the pivot in pixels
'reference upper left corner, default pivot middle of the view
Sub setPivotX(v As View, X As Float)
Dim jo = v As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setPivotX", Array As Object(X))
End Sub
Sub setPivotY(v As View, X As Float)
Dim jo = v As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("setPivotY", Array As Object(X))
End Sub
Sub FlipViewImage(v As View, bHorizontal As Boolean)
If bHorizontal Then
setPivotX(v, v.Width / 2)
setRotationY(v, 180)
setPivotY(v, v.Height / 2)
setRotationX(v, 180)
End If
End Sub
Sub BitMapFromFile(strFolder As String, strFile As String, iOldColour As Int, iNewColour As Int, _
bKeepAlphaLevel As Boolean, iWidth As Int, iHeight As Int) As Bitmap
Dim bmp As Bitmap
bmp = LoadBitmapResize(strFolder, strFile, (iWidth / fActivityWidthRatio) / fTextRatio, (iHeight / fActivityHeightRatio) / fTextRatio, True)
If iOldColour <> iNewColour Then
bmp = ReplaceColor(bmp, iOldColour, iNewColour, bKeepAlphaLevel)
End If
Return bmp
End Sub
Sub ReplaceColor(bmp2 As B4XBitmap, OldColor As Int, NewColor As Int, KeepAlphaLevel As Boolean) As B4XBitmap
Dim x As Int
Dim y As Int
Dim BMC As BitmapCreator = CreateBC(bmp2)
Dim oldargb As ARGBColor
Dim newargb As ARGBColor
Dim a As ARGBColor
BMC.ColorToARGB(OldColor, oldargb)
BMC.ColorToARGB(NewColor, newargb)
If KeepAlphaLevel Then
For x = 0 To BMC.mWidth - 1
For y = 0 To BMC.mHeight - 1
BMC.GetARGB(x, y, a)
If a.r = oldargb.r And a.g = oldargb.g And a.b = oldargb.b Then
newargb.a = a.a
BMC.SetARGB(x, y, newargb)
End If
For x = 0 To BMC.mWidth - 1
For y = 0 To BMC.mHeight - 1
BMC.GetARGB(x, y, a)
If a.a = oldargb.a And a.r = oldargb.r And a.g = oldargb.g And a.b = oldargb.b Then
newargb.a = a.a
BMC.SetARGB(x, y, newargb)
End If
End If
Return BMC.Bitmap
End Sub
'All this has to do with a custom keyboard and in the class clsKeyboard:
'flipping the image won't take place here as it is not the default to do a forwards delete,
'but just added this here as an example
'Del button at the right side of the fourth row
dLeft = pnlKeys.Width - (42dip + 6dip)
Dim b As Button
b.TextColor = Colors.Black
b.TextSize = fButtonTextSize
b.SingleLine = True
'b.Typeface = Typeface.MATERIALICONS
b.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT
b.Tag = 38
'b.Text = Chr(0xE14A) 'backspace
b.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
b.Padding = Array As Int(0,0,0,0)
Dim CD As ColorDrawable
CD.Initialize(0xFFC8C8C8, 6dip) 'GREY, rounded corners
b.Background = CD
Dim bmp As Bitmap = cMP.BitMapFromFile(File.DirAssets, "back_delete.png", 0, 0, True, 35dip, 30dip)
Dim cs As CSBuilder
cs.Initialize.Image(bmp, 35dip, 30dip,False)
b.Text = cs
pnlKeys.AddView(b, dLeft, dTop, 42dip, 36dip)
'To mirror flip the button image (do this after the button was added to the panel!)
FlipViewImage(b, True)
arrKeyboardButtons(38) = b