Sub ulv5_itemcf(ItemID As Long, LayoutName As String, LayoutPanel As Panel, Position As Int)
'Updates the text of the label
Dim spl() As String = Regex.Split("\|", newshlist.Get(ItemID))
Dim rs As RichString
rs.Initialize(" " & spl(0))
If spl(0).Length > 1 Then rs.Strikethrough(2, spl(0).Length+2)
Dim lbl As Label = LayoutPanel.GetView(0)
lbl.Tag = spl(0)
If listshowletter = "A" Then
lbl.Text = " " & spl(0)
If style = 1 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.RGB(236,240,241),Colors.RGB(189,195,199),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'dark style
If style = 2 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.ARGB(28,52,152,219),Colors.ARGB(100,52,152,219),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 3 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.ARGB(28,231,76,60),Colors.ARGB(100,231,76,60),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 4 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.ARGB(28,26,188,156),Colors.ARGB(100,26,188,156),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 5 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.ARGB(28,46,204,113),Colors.ARGB(100,46,204,113),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 6 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.ARGB(28,241,196,15),Colors.ARGB(100,241,196,15),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 7 Then bColors2(lbl,Colors.ARGB(28,155,89,182),Colors.ARGB(100,155,89,182),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
End If
Dim amount As String = spl(4)
amount = amount.Replace(" ","")
amount = amount.Replace("שח","")
If amount = "" Then amount = "0"
Dim lbl2 As Label = LayoutPanel.GetView(1)
lbl2.Tag = spl(0)
lbl2.Text = spl(3) & CRLF & amount & " שח"
If style = 1 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.RGB(189,195,199),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'dark style
If style = 2 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.ARGB(100,52,152,219),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 3 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.ARGB(100,231,76,60),Colors.RGB(44,62,80))'light style
If style = 4 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.ARGB(100,26,188,156),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 5 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.ARGB(100,46,204,113),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 6 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.ARGB(100,241,196,15),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
If style = 7 Then bColors2(lbl2,Colors.Transparent,Colors.ARGB(100,155,89,182),Colors.RGB(44,62,80)) 'light style
Dim btn As Button = LayoutPanel.GetView(2)
btn.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
btn.Tag = spl(0)
If spl(5) <> " " Then
End If
End Sub