Sub Class_Globals
Private xui As XUI
Private list As CustomListView
Private PressedColor As Int
Private Top As Int
Private pnl As B4XView
Private ListStartY As Int
Private dWidth, dBackground, dTextColor As Int
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize (clv As CustomListView)
list = clv
PressedColor = list.PressedColor
dTextColor = list.DefaultTextColor
dBackground = xui.Color_Transparent
dWidth = 30dip
End Sub
'Set values for dragger width, background color and text color
'or defaults will be used - width=30dip, background color=transparetn, text color=clv default color
Public Sub SetDefaults (width As Int, backColor As Int, txtColor As Int)
dWidth = width
dBackground = backColor
dTextColor = txtColor
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveDragButtons
For i = 0 To list.Size - 1
Dim p As B4XView = list.GetPanel(i)
Dim b As Boolean = IsLastViewADragLabel(p)
If b Then 'IsLastViewADragLabel(p) Then
p.GetView(p.NumberOfViews - 1).RemoveViewFromParent
End If
list.PressedColor = PressedColor
End Sub
Private Sub IsLastViewADragLabel (p As B4XView) As Boolean
If p.NumberOfViews > 0 Then
Dim v As B4XView = p.GetView(p.NumberOfViews - 1)
If v Is Label And v.Tag = Null Then
Return False
End If
Return v Is Label And v.Tag = list
End If
Return False
End Sub
Public Sub AddDragButtons
list.PressedColor = xui.Color_Transparent
Dim fnt As B4XFont = xui.CreateMaterialIcons(30)
For i = 0 To list.Size - 1
Dim p As B4XView = list.GetPanel(i)
If IsLastViewADragLabel(p) = False Then
Dim lbl As Label
lbl.Initialize("") 'Drag")
Dim xlbl As B4XView = lbl
xlbl.Font = fnt
xlbl.Text = Chr(0xE25D)
xlbl.TextColor = dTextColor
xlbl.Color = dBackground
xlbl.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "CENTER")
xlbl.Tag = list
p.AddView(xlbl, p.Width - dWidth -2dip, p.Height / 2 - 15dip, dWidth, 30dip)
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = lbl
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lbl_Touch(ViewTag As Object, Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float, EventData As Object) As Boolean
Dim lbl As B4XView = Sender
Dim list As CustomListView = lbl.Tag
If Action = 0 Then 'ACTION_DOWN
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = list.sv
r.RunMethod2("requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent", True, "java.lang.boolean")
pnl = list.GetPanel(list.GetItemFromView(lbl)).Parent
pnl.GetView(0).SetColorAndBorder(xui.Color_Transparent, 3dip, 0xFF503ACD, 0)
ListStartY = Y + lbl.Top + pnl.Top
Top = pnl.Top
Else If Action = 1 Then 'ACTION_UP
Dim index As Int = list.GetItemFromView(lbl)
pnl = list.GetPanel(index).Parent
Dim Offset As Int = pnl.Top + pnl.Height / 2
Dim NewIndex As Int = list.FindIndexFromOffset(Offset)
Dim UnderlyingItem As CLVItem = list.GetRawListItem(NewIndex)
If Offset - UnderlyingItem.Offset > UnderlyingItem.Size / 2 Then
NewIndex = NewIndex + 1
End If
Dim ActualItem As B4XView = pnl.GetView(0)
ActualItem.SetColorAndBorder(pnl.Color, 0dip, xui.Color_Black, 0)
Dim RawItem As CLVItem = list.GetRawListItem(index)
If NewIndex > index Then
NewIndex = NewIndex - 1
End If
NewIndex = Max(0, Min(list.Size, NewIndex))
list.InsertAt(NewIndex, ActualItem, RawItem.Value)
list.GetRawListItem(NewIndex).TextItem = RawItem.TextItem
Else If Action = 2 Then 'ACTION_MOVE
Dim index As Int = list.GetItemFromView(lbl)
If pnl.Top < list.sv.ScrollViewOffsetY Then
list.sv.ScrollViewOffsetY = Max(0, list.sv.ScrollViewOffsetY - 10dip)
Else If list.sv.ScrollViewOffsetY + list.sv.Height < pnl.Top + pnl.Height Then
list.sv.ScrollViewOffsetY = list.sv.ScrollViewOffsetY + 10dip
End If
Dim ListY As Int = Y + lbl.Top + pnl.Top
Dim delta As Int = ListY - ListStartY
pnl.Top = Top + delta
Log("action " & Action)
End If
Return True
End Sub