B4R Library rLoRa library

it is a wrapper for LoRa library from Sandeep Mistry

in March, i was working on a wrapper for LoRa library, and some tests were done by ehsan gilassi, but both call-back were not working.

after a few modifications, i have this library working for B4R.

all functions available in arduino library are available with B4R

both call-back OnReceive and OnRxDone are working, but this library can be used also without callback

3 examples B4R are available,
- Duplex messages with OnReceive callback
- Duplex messages with OnTxDone callback
- Duplex messages without callback

tests were done with 2 SX1278, Ra-01 M modules and one esp8266 + one esp32.

more information on all functions available can be found in Sandeep Mistry site


  • rLoRaFinal.zip
    13.8 KB · Views: 362


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Candide. Nice try. Thanks a lot for your effort. It would be nice to upload two zip files. One with the library and one with the examples.
This would help the most, because in library zip you could add the xml and a folder rLora in the top level and in folder rLora all the .cpp and .h files. This would allow to the users of the libary a drag and drop from winrar rather than creating themselves the folder rLora and unziping in there the .cpp and .h files and in rLora's parent folder (the b4r additional libraries folder) the .xml. Don't get me wrong please... Maybe I appear to be a nagger but I definitely would like to thank you for all the things you upload from time to time...
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