Follow these easy steps:
Create a file called Java11.bat and copy it to the c:\ directory
You can run in two ways:
way 1.
way 2.
For the next time you want to run with java 11, it will be in the list to select and run:
Create a file called Java11.bat and copy it to the c:\ directory
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\java-11.0.1 <--- you directory java11
set APP_PATH=%~p1
set APP_NAME=%~nx1
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe --module-path %JAVA_HOME%\javafx\lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web -jar %APP_NAME%
You can run in two ways:
way 1.
cd you_app_path\Objects
c:\Java11.bat app_name.jar
way 2.
For the next time you want to run with java 11, it will be in the list to select and run:
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